Chapter 24 | L goes hunting

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A/n: decided to draw that picture of L and B mentioned last chapter

A/n: decided to draw that picture of L and B mentioned last chapter

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You needed to talk to Watari, he clearly knew something. And being so eager for answers, as soon as you got back to the apartment building you went straight to his apartment and knocked on the door, hoping he was in.

After a while of waiting and no response, you figured he must be out.

"Goddamnit" you muttered. 

"Where is Mr Watari?" L asked.

"Probably out doing maintenance somewhere, come on let's look around"

L took your hand and you wandered the halls of the complex looking for the owner. In the gardens, around the back on the rooftop and no sign of him. He must be out shopping or something... Making one last check down the side of the building, all you were met with was walls and weeds.

"Damnit..." you muttered.

"A door..." L said, pointing out something you'd completely missed.

All the way at the back, against the wall was a hatch like door that lead down underground. You'd never noticed it before, then again you don't exactly come down the side of the building often. Approaching it, you tried to figure out what it could be.

"A shelter?" You questioned.

Could it be a bunker? Something left from eras of wars or natural disasters? Or perhaps it was just basement for storage. You reached down and tried to pull it open, only to find it locked.

"Hmm... L in all your scans on crime statistics did you ever find something on lock picking?" You asked.

"Yes, it's most commonly used for theft cases to  open safes and vaults" L replied.

"You think you can pick the lock?"

"That's breaking and entering"

"You wanna find out the answers though don't you?"

L was silent a moment. He wanted to be a detective and uphold the law, but he also wanted to know all the secrets of his backstory. And if this door lead to something, he wanted to see it. Plus, it wasn't like you were stealing anything... just looking.

"I need a small pointed object" L agreed.

"Uh... hang on"

You dug around in your bag for something to use, pulling out a pocket knife that had a screwdriver attachment on it. L gave it a look, and decided it could work. He jammed the screwdriver into the lock, wiggling it around in a particular way that you didn't really understand. But you didn't need to understand as long as it got the job done. After a minute or two of L tinkering with the lock, you heard a click. Pulling on the handle again, this time it opened.

"Yes! Well done L!" You smiled. 

L smiled back, always happy to make you happy.

"L did good?" He asked.

"Very good! Now let's see what's in here"

Looking down the hatch, you could see a staircase leading into darkness. A little scared but too curious to turn away, you crept down the stairs feeing the walls for a light switch. The deeper down you got, the darker it got. L kept a hold of your hand to not loose you in the darkness, and finally at the bottom of the stairs you found a switch. Flicking it on you were shocked to see what was inside.

The lights turned on, and so did a whole wall of computers and other machines you didn't know. There was a desk filled with tools and computer accessories, a massive chair with a headset attached that looked right out of some virtual reality movie or something. Chords scattered the floor and hung from the roof tied up with cable ties.

"What the...? This looks like some kind of ICT workshop" you muttered.

If this is what Watari was hiding... he definitely knew something about the chobits. Someone who knew how to operate all of this high tech machinery clearly knew how chobits worked.

"(Y/n)... what's that box?" L asked.

You turned to look where he was pointing, and across the room lying on a small platform was a box that resembled a coffin. That wasn't creepy at all...

"It can't be..." you muttered, thinking the was no way a dead person was in that thing. Surely not.

You approached it a bit nervous, but your intrigue made you too curious to turn and run. The box was made of metal, and latched the lid on with clasps. The shape was similar to a coffin but much smoother and rounded. Hesitantly, you flipped the clasps up and gripped the lid. Heart racing as you contemplated opening it.

You'd either find a dead body and be thoroughly traumatised, or some big machine you didn't understand the wires of and be confused.

"Help me lift this L" you said, deciding to look.

He gripped the lid and together you pulled the lid off the box revealing what was inside. You audibly gasped in shock when you saw what was inside, and L looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Beyond?" He questions.

In the box, lying like a corpse was the persacom that once matched L. Beyond lay turned off and motionless, wearing a black body suit with the chobits logo up the side. This was a coffin... just not for a human.

"Holy shit... did... did Watari make you and B?" You pondered.

L carefully reached out and touched the persacom, feeling how cold it was since it hadn't been functional in god knows how long now. Being clean of dust thanks to being in the box, B lay motionless. A seam on his neck told you that he'd had his compartments opened before being placed in there, and some part of his inner computer was either fixed or removed. The layer of skin was never stitched back up, as he wasn't functional anymore.

"I knew you'd figure it out eventually..."

You and L jumped, having not heard a single footstep. But when you tuned, the man you were looking for was standing behind you.

"You know something, I know you do. You've worked on the chobits before" you said.

"I did... it's about time I told you everything" Watari admitted.

"Mr Watari?" L spoke up.

The older man looked down at the persacom that resembled the one in the coffin, although L was very much alive and running smoothly compared to B.

"Are you my dad? Did you make me?" L asked.

Watari sighed, turning to the desk and pulling a keyboard and mouse up.

"I'll explain everything, you should know now" he replied.

You didn't notice it when you first walked in, but now he was standing at the desk your attention was turned to it. Right beside him where the keyboard was, a pen cup full of stationary and a stack of papers sat. Three very familiar books lined up next to them.

The town with no people series.

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