Chapter 25 | L learns the truth

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"I've been an inventor my whole life. Ever since I was a kid I was inventing things, so my career path was an obvious choice..."

You looked up at the monitors, as Watari started to open files of pictures and scroll through them looking for the right ones.

"I've worked at many high end tech companies, which obviously gave me lots of resources and money to make things with. But I wasn't satisfied. Inventing was my passion, but something was still missing... by the time I was in my 30s, all my friends and family members my age were getting married and having kids. Expect me, I was too wrapped up in inventing. I was fine with not being married, but the more time I spent babysitting my friends kids, attending their birthday parties... I realised I wanted to be a dad..." Watari explained.

You could see where this part was going. Those files you'd received mentioned L and B being made to be a family. L listened intently, wanting to know everything about his mysterious past.

"Without a wife, and with no interest in getting one I couldn't have my own children. And in this country you have to be married to adopt, so I decided if I couldn't have my own child or adopt one... I'd make one. Two actually"

On the monitors, he opened up image files of some of the early plans for L and B. Sketches of their appearance and inner computers, photos of models they inspired them, colour pallets and height estimates.

"I started the project when I was 32. I knew it'd take a long time, and I wanted them to be a human as possible. I was willing to wait and devote all my time into the project as long as I could get my sons in the end. I used my knowledge and money from working at technology companies to make them. Although it was a lot more expensive than I thought, so I took a break for a while to buy the apartment complex so I could make money both from renting the apartments out and from working tech" Watari explained.

More photos came up on screen, of the progress of L and B being built. Each photo taken several months apart. Several years spanning the whole project.

"It took me years, so much trial and error and a wild amount of test runs but finally, it worked. By the time I was 43, I'd finished them. The only part that was left was programming that amazing AI that made them human. That took longer than making their bodies and inner computers. I spend night after night, awake at the computer coding and finding the best way to make a self learning AI that could get as close to human as possible. They needed to have free will, and emotions. That's what made them human..."

Now up on the screen was the picture of B you'd found at the beginning of all this. But it turned out it wasn't just B in the picture. It was L too, he'd just been cut out of the picture you'd gotten. They hung up on the walls of the work space, chords sticking out of them and their arms crossed and eyes closed. Not yet ready to be turned on yet. B wore that same black bodysuit he had on in his coffin right now. L wore the same thing but in white.

"I worked for years, and when I turned 50... I finally finished it. I was able to quit working at the tech company and live off the apartment job so I could spend time with them. I turned them both on for the first time and that was the day I officially met my children..."

The next photo showed the two persacom turned on, standing up and inspecting each other. The first time they laid eyes in each other.

"L Lawliet, chobit 01. And Beyond Birthday, Chobit 02. Twins, not identically but close. I created their appearance by looking at the popular persacoms at the time and doing the opposite. So they'd stand out and be more individual. All the popular persacoms had blonde hair, flawless skin, good posture, bright eyes and chirpy voices. They all looked manufactured, there's something slightly non human about them. So I gave the twins dark hair, eyebags, slouches, calm voices. I used a vocal synth software to develop their voices, and left their personalities completely up to them and their AI" Watari explained.

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