Chapter 33 | L's suspect

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"Hate to break it to you Kira, but I think the cops are onto us..."

"I know, Damnit. If only that stupid persacom didn't grab my hat, they'd have no DNA of me then"

The two criminals sat around the table of a small pub, one known for being a bit sketchy. Out of the way of the others they needed to talk about their monumental mess up that was putting them in danger of being caught.

"We already had one prep room busted, we can't afford to loose another" Mikami sighed.

"That persacom... it's the same one that got the peep room caught right?" Light asked.

"Yeah that him, Dunno what model he is but he looks super realistic and is clearly smart. He'd be a hit with the patrons"

"I was going to take my ex's persacom to use for parts, since mine is the same model just a different design. But now I'm starting to think that realistic one might be more useful"

Light really should be thanking Misa for making him his persacom - Ryuk, in the first place. But no, he was an asshole who wanted to steal Rem to use for parts to upgrade Ryuk. And he had the audacity to think he should try me steal L and put him in a peep room again.

"Good luck with that, his owner and their goth friend just about beat the shit out of our guys at the peep room when they found him. They're protective of the eyebaggy persacom" Mikami snickered.

"Think about it though, a persaocm that realistic and powerful would be useful for the peep room AND for our cyber work. Although I'll admit going anywhere near him or his owners is risky now the cops have my DNA..." Light pondered.

"Did you find out the persacoms name?"

"Stupid name, it's L. Just the letter"

"That's it? Lame"

If only you heard these two talking shit about your beloved. You'd be throwing hands right about now, L is a great name. And his full name Lawliet? Even more gorgeous.

"We can't risk anything while the case is still active, there's no telling how much info they have on us. But we need to keep the peep rooms running or we'll all be broke. We need to snatch another persacom soon" Light sighed.

"I'll go this time, they have your DNA not mine" Mikami offered.

As the two ringleaders of the operation discussed their plans for their next robbery... no... kidnapping, of a persacom, you and L were back at the police station. This time with Misa.

L had presented his findings to Matsuda, and Misa explained her connection to the now ex boyfriend Light Yagami. Matsuda was impressed L managed to find a match so quickly, and astounded at the chances of Misa knowing the most likely suspect.

"Wow, I gotta say if it weren't for you guys we'd probably still be at square one. When this case gets solved, L's getting a lot of the credit for it" Matsuda said.

L smiled, proud of himself.

"L will be proper detective?" L asked.

"Definitely at the rate you're going. You got a suspect in a matter of hours" Matsuda replied.

He pulled his keyboard over, jotting down all the new information into the case file. He seemed a bit nervous though, which L was quick to pick up on with his facial expression recognition skills he'd developed with his AI.

"Mr Matsuda is nervous" L stated.

"Hm? Oh... a little. It's just that, the suspects dad works here. If it really is him then that'll be awkward... your own kid becoming a criminal when you're a police officer" Matsuda replied.

"Oh yeah, his dad is the Cheif of police. I totally forgot about that... Light was a dick but never a criminal when we were dating. In fact I left him because he was starting to teeter on the edge of illegal. I didn't think he'd actually do it though since his dad is a cop. Guess I was wrong..." Misa explained.

The twists just keep coming, first the connection to the peep room, then Misa knowing Light and now his dad is the Cheif of police?

Matsuda leaned back in his chair and read over everything one more time to double check the facts. Deciding on the next course of action, he turned to you and L again.

"Ok here's what I need you to do. If you're willing, we can make up a sting operation. Set up a scenario where he thinks he can kidnap L, but we catch him in the act. It's clear that he wants L if his group tried to take him before" Matsuda explained.

Immediately you were apprehensive, you didn't want L to be in any danger. But he WAS a chobit and could handle himself nowadays.

"I can do it! I know capoeira now so I can fight if something goes wrong" L immediately accepted.

"Honey are you sure? I don't want you hurt" you asked.

"L can do a sting operation! You and the police can watch from a distance, and jump out to catch him as soon as he tries to grab me. And if he does grab me, I can kick him in the head like the instructor video taught me"

L was eager, determined. Even though you were a bit worried for him, you knew he could handle himself and would be ok. Plus, he wanted nothing more than to be a detective and protect you from harm, this was the perfect opportunity for it.

"Alright... just be careful ok?" You agreed.

"Of course I will" L replied, with a soft smile.

Fuck he was so cute. You ruffled his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead, making him giggle happily.

"I'll plan things with the taskforce and contact you when it's ready to go. We'll have this guy locked up pretty quick after that, all you guys have to do is stay in touch and follow the plan" Matsuda explained.

"We'll do our best!" L replied.

"And Misa, you might be the perfect bait to lure him out. You are his ex, he has a personal connection to you. So you keep in touch too ok?" 

"Alright, my phone is always on anyway. Just call if you need me" Misa agreed.

This might just work, using Misa as a lure and L as bait, you could get this Yagami kid hook, line and sinker.

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