Chapter 23 | L's data

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The scan was taking a lot longer than you though, which lead to you and Near talking about all kind of things while you waited. You learnt more about him, you knew he was adopted and his parents worked during the day which is why you didn't see them often. But you didn't know that it was actually their idea for Near to get into persacoms. He was already so good with technology they figured it would be a good way for him to create that sibling bond he'd always wanted with someone he made especially to fit into the family.

It definitely worked out well, because aside from the chobits Nears persacoms were some of the most complex and human like you'd ever seen. And they way they all interacted definitely reminded you of a sibling bond. Near finally had a family he'd always wanted, it was rather sweet.

You also found out his interest for technology started when he was younger and collected robot toys, he'd take them apart to see how they worked and put them back together again but even better. That was his way of 'playing' with them as a kid. Even though he was so young, he was absolutely one of the smartest people you'd ever met.

Your long conversation about random topics finally came to a halt when you heard the sounds of all the persacoms coming out of scan mode and waking up again.

"Scan complete" Matt announced.

You and Near immediately jumped up and rushed over.

"Did you find anything?" You asked.

"We've concluded the password is voice activated. Even if we said the right word without the right voice it won't open" Matt explained.

"That's annoying, but did you get the password itself?" Near asked.


That was it? It was chobits the whole time? Why didn't you think of that? He was a chobit after all. It seemed so obvious and yet you totally missed it. Then again, you weren't sure if L was a chobit at first, this confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that he was one.

"Could you get anything else?" Near asked.

"There's still something locked behind the voice activated password, we can't access it without the right voice. But we extracted all the data we can" Mello added.

"Perfect, send it to my computer"

Mello plugged himself into the computer set up, and transferred everything they'd extracted onto it. Near sat at the computer and you looked over his shoulder at the screen, L leaning on your shoulder to look as well. Near scrolled though the code, a lot of it was gibberish to you but he seemed to understand it all.

"Interesting... the earliest recorded date of use is five whole years ago. That must be when he was made and first turned on..." Near muttered.

"Woah, you're older than I thought L" you commented.

L looked and acted like an adult, but had only been operational for five years. Although there was no telling how long he'd been in production, he could be 30 years old for all you knew. All that mattered was he was physically and mentally a young adult, maybe 20 or so. Which helped put together some clues.

"And here it says he has internal parts that are the same used in super computers. That'd be why he's so powerful he can surge the power of other persacoms. Whoever made him must have been rich to be able to afford all this..." Near said.

The more you found out about him, the more amazed you were. L was truly impressive.

As you all read over the code, L wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. Needing to be close to you as usual, he was rather clingy. You wrapped an arm around him in return, keeping him close as you both read the code and tried to spot anything significant.

L-bits (L x Reader) • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now