Chapter 13 | L's chip

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The morning routine was something L was an expert at now. He woke up at the exact time you'd tell him too, wake you up and then you'd pack away the futon to make room for the day's activities. Make some breakfast, get dressed for the day and it was off with whatever you had planned.

So by now, L didn't even have to be told what to do, he already knew what to do. Although todays morning routine got a little off track, because once L had picked his usual outfit for the day and shed of his pyjamas he noticed something.

As he stepped one foot into the leg of his jeans, he stopped mid task to examine the slight chip on the inner side of his left thigh. The opposite to where his power button was on his right. It was small, but it was big enough he noticed it. Instead of his soft skin, there was a tiny chip that exposed the waterproof lining his inner mechanics were coated with. He hadn't noticed it before, it was usually covered by by his clothes.

He didn't have any data on getting the chip, he couldn't remember it happening at all.

Fearing he might be broken, he wandered over to you jeans in his hand and tugged on your shirt.

"What's up L- uh... you can't really go out in only boxers honey" you said, turning to face him.

"L is broken" he replied.

"Broken? What do you mean, what happened?"

You panicked slightly, thinking maybe something inside him was malfunctioning. But when he pointed to the small chip, you were relieved to see it wasn't that serious.

"Oh, it's only a small chip. Let me see" you said.

You had him sit on the counter, so you could take a closer look at the chip. It was no bigger than a coin, and no damage was done to the waterproof lining so you didn't see anything wrong with it. It was just a small patch of skin that was missing. Like when a human gets a scrape from tripping over.

"It's nothing bad, just a small scratch. Although I don't know how you would have gotten it, it's under your clothes most of the time" you said.

"L has no data of any damage" L replied.

"Hm... maybe you got it before I found you. Maybe... hang on..."

It dawned on you when you remembered looking at his thigh yesterday for any remnants of a logo on him. This chip was in the same spot the logo would have been... just on the other thigh.

The chobits logo in the picture of the persacoms Near sent you was big bold letting that cantered on the outer thigh but stretched over the thigh into the inner part. The chip was right where the tip of the C would be.

"Maybe you aren't the one in the picture, but you are a chobit and just a different one from the image" you muttered, looking along the rest of his leg for any more chips or seams.

If the logo had been removed by replacing the skin it was on, it would probably leave a very thin seam where the cut was made, unless the person who did it was such an expert they didn't leave a seam behind. You couldn't see a seam, but the chip was evidence that the skin had been tampered with at some point.

"Maybe we should see Near today, he might be able to find something I don't know about" you suggested.

"L would like to see Near! And Matt and Mello" L agreed.

"Alright then, finish getting ready and we can swing by"

Once dressed and ready for the day, you locked your and headed out to see the persacom expert himself. You were rather cautious being out with L now, after he was kidnapped for being such a detailed custom you were weary of who was around you. He could fight now, he'd learnt martial arts with books, his AI, and videos. But it still worried you someone might try and take him again. So you kept him close, holding his hand the whole way there. Ringing on the doorbell, it was the blonde girl persacoms that answered it this time. Linda you recalled her being called.

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