Chapter 9 | L gets taken

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Tw for kidnapping and peep rooms, kinda dark but it happens in chobits so it's being retold with a twist here for the AU.

L had been doing so well with learning, you'd decided to let him go run another errand. He came back perfectly fine last time, so you figured he'd manage a quick trip this time as well. Busy with cooking lunch, you didn't want me leave hot food unattended but you needed some batteries for the dead remote or you'd not be able to watch TV with L.

So you gave him his bag, made sure he was dressed up for an outing and sent him on his way with the instructions of getting some AA batteries.

"Batteries..." L muttered to himself, looking around at the shops in the shopping strip.

He knew they'd be in an electric shop, so he had to find one using his navigation system. The street was busy today, as it was a weekend and people were out shopping and taking advantage of sales.

"Batteries... Batteries... Batteries..." he repeated, looking for a shop that sold them.

Passing by a display window, he stopped to take a look up at what was in display. A row of persacoms, dressed in default clothing and all switched off ready to be bought. The price tag was high, all of them the latest model. Even though he two was a persacom, none of them looked like him at all. They were all human looking with ear ports yes, but none were as detailed as he was. They all had a straight posture, flawless skin and basic haircuts. He stood slouched, had eyebags airbrushed under his eyes and fluffy hair that one could compare to the 'emo' cut.

"Persacoms are electronic... batteries in persacom shop?" He questioned, turning to head inside.

Sure enough it wasn't just persacoms they sold, it was TVs, computers, cameras, radios and all kind of other electronics. He wandered the isles until he found the AA batteries you needed, and then checked the price. He took out the exact amount needed and took them up to the counter just as you'd taught him.

"Oh wow, you're a persacom! I almost thought you were a human" the cashier said.

L put the batteries on the counter, and the money he placed in a neat stack next to it.

"Batteries, please" he said.

The cashier scanned the batteries, and counted the money to make sure it was right.

"You're a pretty spiffy persacom, bet you'd cost a fortune. You be careful ok? Don't want anyone trying to rip off your design, your owner wouldn't be happy" the cashier warned, handing him the receipt and batteries.

"Thank you" L simply replied, putting everything in his bag and heading out.

His goal successfully completed, he began to head back to the apartment to deliver the batteries so you could watch TV over lunch. He liked watching TV, it meant he could learn things. He particularly liked detective shows, he found trying to solve the crime before the show ended fun. It was a good way to make his AI learn how to problem solve.

L absent mindedly walked along the path of the shopping strip, his destination set for home and not really thinking of anything else apart of getting back to you.

A whistle caught his attention, and he turned to see the source of the noise. Just behind him was a man a little taller than him, although if he stood up straight might be the same height.

"Well aren't you one detailed persacom..." the man said.

L did know about stranger danger, you had taught him about it several times. But he got this line so often, he didn't think much of it. Everyone was always telling him he was a special persacom.

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