Chapter 11 | L gets help

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Today you'd left L with a few chores to do while you were out, which he didn't mind. He liked helping you, and he found it more fun to do something rather than just sit and wait for you.

His job today was to clean up the section of the apartment garden that was yours. Each resident has a section of garden they were allowed to plant whatever they liked in, and if you didn't want to use it you could allow others to use your part of the land. You quite liked this set up, because it allowed you to have fresh fruit and vegetables for your meals. The food was always just that little bit better when it was fresh.

So L had put on your apron to keep the dirt off, and tied a bandana over his hair to keep it out of his eyes while he worked. You'd shown him how to tend to the garden a while ago, and he quite liked it actually. It was relaxing and fun to see your plants grow and get bigger and brighter.

In your section of garden you had some strawberries, carrots and tomatoes. All foods you often found in your recipe books and used frequently, so it was good to have some growing just downstairs to save money buying them from the shops. L was particularly fond of the strawberries, being a persacom he didn't need to eat, nor could he taste. But he liked how cute they were, some of them even shaped like little hearts. L wished he could taste and eat human food sometimes, cakes and ice creams looked so delicious. And you always said they were sweet, which he knew was a very yummy taste.

Maybe one day someone would invent a taste program for persacoms and he could eat all the foods that look yummy.

Ducked down by the plants, L carefully checked the leaves for any bug damage, pruned the overgrown parts and picked off the ripest ones to bring inside. The basket of fruits and vegetables slowly filling up as he examined the best ones on the bush to take to you.

"Look at you being helpful"

He knew that voice, it was Mr Watari out doing some sweeping to keep the entrance of the building looking neat. L turned to face him, smiling that he was being helpful.

"(Y/n) wants L to make sure all the fruits and vegetables are growing yummy, and all the best ones need to be picked for dinner!" L smiled.

"It looks like you're doing a good job. You were built to be helpful after all" Watari replied, sweeping leaves off the path.

"L is the most helpful persacom!"

"You definitely are, it's your purpose"

L didn't think much of the comment, he'd been called helpful a lot. He was just glad to know he was doing a good job. Although it did give him that strange deja vu feeling again... like Watari had told him his purpose before. He got up, picking up the watering can to go fill it up and water the plants.

When you taught L about gardening, you told him that when the plants are nice and damp frogs will come to soak up the water. If you have frogs, your garden is nice and healthy. L was determined to make the garden healthy and being in lots of froggy friends to live in the plants. In fact he'd been checking for frogs every time you went out to pick some fruit and water the plants. You found it rather cute, how he took a liking to frogs so quickly.

You found everything L did cute, he had an odd charm to him. Most people said slouching and eyebags weren't very flattering, but you found they stilted L. And a lot of people found behaviours like his odd, but you thought it was interesting and rather cute.

He did have an AI for a brain after all, he didn't always know the right way to do things but he could still get them done. Just a little differently. He learnt through observing the world and putting things together, so naturally some things might come out a little bit crooked, but he still got the idea and that was all that mattered.

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