Chapter 21 | L's questions

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"Alright, we need some groceries... a new pair of inside shoes and some panties... that damn cat" you muttered to yourself.

Out for the weekly shop, you and L were down to the shopping strip again. In need of the basics and unfortunately some panties. The neighbourhood cat had been taking them off your washing line, not just yours as well. Misa was complaining of it too. You had no idea why the cat wanted so many panties, but apparently it was starting a collection.

"Panties..." L repeated.

"Yes, don't say that so loud" you replied.

"Groceries, inside shoes and panties"

He held onto your hand tightly, not wanting to get taken by some creep again. It was a nice day today, and you'd dressed L in one of his cute outfits for the outing. White shirt with a Peter Pan collar, some denim shorts and Mary Jane shoes. The cicadas were loud today, as the summer heat was burning and you were sweating your ass off. L was lucky he didn't sweat, being a persacom and all. Although you did need to keep him cool so he didn't overheat.

"Panties!" L said, stopping in his tracks by one of the clothing shops which had a shelf of various undergarments in the window.

"Shhh... don't say that so loud hun. But you are right I need to go in there. Hmm, tell you what how about you go get the groceries and I'll shop here. Then we can meet at daiso to get some inside shoes ok?" You replied.

"Ok! L will get everything on the list"

You handed him one of the bags and some money, sending him off to get the groceries. You weren't too stressed about him being alone now he knew how to defend himself, and he was rather confident with his capoeira skills now he was ok with running a quick errand for you alone.

He was efficient, going down the list in order and getting everything on it one by one. Bread, milk, eggs, juice, rice, sauce, noodles and all the extras you'd need for certain recipes. In the confectionery isle, he gawked at all the yummy snacks he wished he could taste. He always loved the look of cakes, biscuits and lollies. They were so colourful and sweet looking, he hoped one day persacoms would be able to eat and taste human food so he could try all the yummy treats.

"Oh! L, fancy seeing you here!"

He knew that voice. It was very familiar to him by now. Turning to find Matt behind him, he smiled at the familiar persacom.

"Hello! L is getting groceries for (y/n)" L said.

"I'm getting food for Near too, Mello and Linda are home helping him try and trace the IP of those pictures for (y/n)" Matt replied.

Two persacoms talking to each other was always an interesting sight, since it was basically two computers having a conversation using complex code as a guide on how to talk like humans would.

"We have been investigating too, we noticed a pattern. Mr Watari, the owner of the building, he always shows up when we're looking for clues. Maybe he knows something?" L explained.

"That's interesting... maybe once worked for a persacom company or something? I'll mention that to Near, it might help" Matt replied.

"We need to ask him about it, but he's been working today"

"I bet running an apartment complex is a lot of work. It might be a few days before he's free again"

That was the slightly annoying problem you'd run into, you hadn't had the chance to talk to Watari yet as you had work to go to some days, and he had a whole building to run. You hadn't crossed paths in a few weeks, and hadn't had the chance to ask yet. Even though the suspense of knowing the answers was killing you.

"(Y/n) also sent us a copy of those files you guys got. It's a strange situation, it looks like you were a pair to another persacom?" Matt said.

L nodded, the topic of B was still a bit confusing to him but he got the general idea.

"Uh-huh. We think B might have some data backed up onto me, although without my password we can't tell for sure. But I can... feel him sometimes" L explained.

"Now that's interesting. I've always wondered what would happen if you put two persacoms data into one body. No one's really tried it because it needs to much storage space, but if you have a little bit of B in your files maybe he is still a bit alive in you... I'll definitely be talking to Near about that" Matt replied.

"Thank you for helping us, you, Near and the other persacoms are very big help"

"Don't mention it, it's super interesting for us too. I have to finish this shopping, and so do you. So I'll talk to you next time we see each other ok?"

"Alright, nice seeing you. Bye bye Matt!" L smiled.


Conversation over, L was rather glad to bump into Matt. He liked Nears persacoms, they were all very nice and almost as human as a chobit. Near was a super genius when it came to making persacoms.

L finished up the shopping, and went back down the shopping strip to meet you at Daiso where you were waiting by the entrance.

"All done! L got everything on the list!" He smiled, rushing up to you.

"Well done L, now let's get these shoes" you replied, ruffling his hair.

He took your hand again, following you into the store.

"L ran into Matt!" He said.

"Oh really? Was he getting food for Near?"

"Uh-huh. We talked a little bit about our investigation and he said he'd talk to Near about everything we've found"

"That's good, we need smart people like those guys to help us get to the bottom of this" you replied.

Whenever you went into Daiso, you always ended up with more than you intended on buying. Everything in there was both useful and cute, it was hard not to go a bit overboard. Especially when L kept seeing cool persacom accessories too. You went in for inside shoes, but came out with more than just the shoes. You also got some socks for your chair so the legs didn't scrape the ground, cute stickers, rice moulds in the shape of pandas and some chords for L that lit up when plugged in.

Damnit Daiso, why do you have to be both convenient and cute?

When you'd finally finished with all your shopping, you walked back to your apartment and began to unpack everything on the counter to put away. L helped put the groceries away, and then you started cutting the tags off all the other stuff you bought.

"Thank you for helping with shopping today L" you said.

"You're welcome, L likes going shopping with you" he replied.

"You're such a good helper, I love you for that"

"L loves you too!"

He reached into one of the bags to pull out the next product he needed to cut the tags off, ending up with one of the panties you'd bought.

"Panties..." he said, whispering this time.

You snickered. He'd remembered what you said about not being too loud, and his AI was telling him to be quiet. He was a good learner.

"We're home now, you don't have to whisper this time" you giggled.

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