Chapter 17 | L and the stars

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The night was a warm one, it was the peak of summer. The ceiling fan kept the air circling the room, it was a bit warm inside but not too hot. The window was open to, letting the night air in, the curtains gently blowing in the wind.

In the distance, fireworks went off. In the distance, drums and chatter could be heard. There was summer festival happing just a few blocks down at one of the nearby shrines. L had never seen fireworks before, the colours bursting in the night sky mesmerised him. Sitting on the windowsill in his cutest summer pyjamas, he looked out the window at the colours exploding in the sky among the stars.

He liked stars, they were pretty. And they were so far away, but so bright you could see them from the window. They blinked and twinkled in the only night sky, and tonight they were accompanied by colourful sparks in the air.

Stars reminded him of his book, and the pathway in the sky the panda walked down. The same scenery he'd seen in his dream.

He was happy, his book talked about finding the person just for him. And he did, he found you.

In his lap, he held the third and final edition of the book series so far. You'd bought it back for him after work, because you knew he liked the book series. He'd read it the second you handed it to him, exited to see where the little panda ended up.

He opened the book, met with the familiar starry scenery and pathway, the panda walking along it.

This city has no people...
...the light burning in the homes... warm and bright.
I am in a city with no people...
...but I'm not sad or lonely.
My heart glows.
I am one of them, but I still feel warm inside.
That's because I love this person.
The heart of someone who's... love...
...whether that person is alive or not... kind and warm.
If my heart is this warm...
...if I can be this happy...
...then I wish that all those like me can fall in love...
...and that all of them will have their love returned.
The love we feel may not be the same...
...but it doesn't matter when I'm with the "someone just for me."
If we can all find that special person...
...then the world will be a most joyous place.
...this city...
...will have no unhappy people.
It's the special city that has...
The someone just for me.

It made him happy, the panda found the person just for them, even though they were different from everyone else. And he felt like in a way, he was the panda. He was different, but he still found the person just for him. And he wasn't lonely anymore, only a little bit when you went out. But you always came back, and the loneliness went away.

There was still a lot he had to learn, about the world and about himself and his origins. But he was happy, that even if he never found out where he came from, he could stay with you and live a normal life.

The futon lay on the ground, ready for bedtime after you were done taking a shower. He'd set it up himself tonight, wanting to let you have a break after work. He wanted to do some kind of work too, to fill the time and go be more human. But he wasn't sure what to do yet.

He liked reading, maybe he could be a librarian? He liked solving puzzles, maybe he could be a detective? With his AI, he could be just about anything. But he wanted to do something that would make him happy, and make you proud of him. He was built to help people, so whatever he did he knew it had to be something that helped people.

"Looking at the fire works?"

He turned to face you, all dressed up in your pyjamas and drying your hair off.

"L likes the fireworks, they're like colourful stars" he replied.

"Maybe we can go to the next festival? You'd look cute in a Yukata" you said.

The bang of another firework turned his attention back to the sky, where he watched one small firework shoot out into a bunch of big ones. The colours danced in the sky, and he was all for the idea of seeing them up close next festival.

"You really like that book huh? You read it already?" You asked, coming to sit on the windowsill next to him.

"It's a good story, and has a happy ending. It's like I'm the panda, I also found the person just for me" he replied.

"With those eyebags you certainly look like a panda"

You playfully pinched his cheek, making him smile.

"You're the person just for me (y/n)" he said.

"And you're the persacom just for me L" you replied.

He put his book aside and shifted over closer to you to lean on you as he watched the fireworks from the window. You wrapped an arm around him, holding him close and placing a kiss on his forehead. His head fit in the crook of your neck, his ear ports angled just enough so he could lean on you without poking you. Those ear ports made him look like a catboy sometimes, it was rather cute.

Now he'd learnt enough to be a functioning human, and he could defend himself against people who wanted to steal him, there were a lot of options. He wanted to work, so he could fill the time and help you make more money. And with his amazing AI he could be just about anything. You'd been thinking about something he could do, something that he'd like. And that night while you were watching a crime show on TV, you had an idea.

"L, you like solving things" you began.

"Yes, solving things is fun" he replied.

"You also like true crime shows. Maybe you could be a detective and solve crimes? Your AI would allow you to quickly and throughly process information and notice patterns and connections. Plus, maybe you could be the one to help get laws regarding persacoms passed"

He thought about it for a moment. It seemed fun, he got to help people, solve problems AND it was true crime. He could be the first persacom detective, and be a voice for the advanced persacom like him to help them get laws that protected them. After all, he was kidnapped but it was only classed as property theft because he was seen as a computer. He may have a computer in him, but he was very human.

Super elaborate persacoms like him who are almost human deserve to be seen as such. Not just a computer.

"L could be a detective! And to be extra safe, I can hide my face so no one tries to hack me" he said.

"Good idea, if you're an anonymous detective then we can be safe and you can solve crimes. And since you're a persacom there's a lot of cyber crime related stuff you can do way better than a human could" you replied.

"L's gonna be a detective! I can help people that way!"

With his enthusiasm, you had no doubt he'd be able to succeed. You'd have to use your next pay to get him his own laptop to plug himself into for work, so he didn't have to wait for you to be finished with yours. As long as he didn't try and crack his password and took breaks here and there, he should be able to use a laptop without it exploding because of his super massive power system.

L looked up at the stats again, with a new goal in his mind. Become the first persacom detective and help people. He'd make you proud. And he'd use the money from the job to buy a nice yukata to wear to the next festival and watch the fireworks.

With you, of course. He could buy you a yukata too.

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