Chapter 4

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Noah followed his uncle and father until they came to a stop at a kind of training area or warehouse "well, welcome home Noah; ready to start training" jack asked, "what do you mean, sir" Noah asked, "to join the gang" jack said.

Noah was shocked as he took a few steps away from jack and jowl "what do you mean, gang, jack" Noah asked, "it's that time we're finally old enough to join the gang, the family bloodline of gang men" jack said.

Noah looked around the room until he found a bow and arrow and grabbed it "Noah" jowl said.

Noah then shot an arrow at his father's leg and then at his uncle; they screamed and fell to the ground as all the men and women surrounded them "quick, someone grab Noah" jack said.

Everyone looked around but couldn't find the young boy, so they rushed their boss to the medical centre.

While that happened
Noah kept using the bow and arrow to shoot at the targets that were in the yard somehow until someone ran up to him "hey, what are you doing" she asked, "trying to get my anger out" he said, "what are you angry about" she asked, "the leaders of this gang" he said, "but your here are you not" she asked, "yeah but I despise them not hate them" he said, "okay well you wanna come play with me" she asked.

I looked at the little girl; she had orange hair with brown eyes wearing a white suit "what's your name" he asked, "my name is Emma; what about you" she asked, "Hi Emma, I'm Noah why would I want to play with you" he asked, 'come on it will be fun me and my friends are playing tag come on it's better than being angry" she said.

Noah smiled as he walked with the girl named Emma to another part of the yard and saw two more kids. "Noah meet my friends Norman and ray," she said, "hi it's nice to meet you," Noah said, "hi nice to meet you, so Emma roped you in," Norman asked. "yeah she thought I could do with some fun since I was angry," Noah said, "why we're you angry," ray asked, "cause my father left me for five years and just thought he could bring himself back into the picture," Noah said, "oh okay you wanna play," Emma asked, "yeah," Noah said.

The four then started to play tag together and hang out until the sun was setting. Still, Noah didn't want to go inside to see his father and uncle "what's wrong, Noah" she asked, "nothing, I just don't want to go back in do you think your mom or dad could drop me off at my place" he asked, "sure do you know where you parents live" she asked, "yep" he said.

She just smiled as she took me by the hand and ran to find her parents or parent.

Emma and Noah ran inside "daddy," she said.

A man turned around and smiled as Emma ran to him "hi princess, who is this" he asked; "my new friend Noah can we drop him off at home, please" she asked, "hmm, okay, Emma," he said.

He then grabbed his keys "do you know where your parents live, Noah" he asked, "yes, on cherry ln sir" Noah said, 'okay, let's go" he said.

Noah and Emma walked with the man out to a parking lot and went to a white truck, and got in as Noah travelled home.

Jack and jowl laid in med beds when Simmons came over and smiled "what are you smiling about, jackass" jack asked, "oh nothing, just how silly you look, boss" Simmons said, "take that back before I slap that pretty smile off your face what's going on where's Noah" jack said.

Simmons then stopped smiling "okay, sorry sir, but no, we have not found anything about your nephew, but you and your brother both had some infected skin and blood from that arrow hitting you both" Simmons said, "well can we go or not," jowl asked, "of course, you may I just needed to tell you what happened," Simmons said, "okay thank you Simmons," jack said.

Jack and jowl then got up and walked to their office to talk.

While that happened
Noah was riding in the truck when they got to his street; "which one is it, Noah" Emma asked, "the back one with the red door, the one with the small white car in front of it" he said.

Emma's dad then stopped at the house at the end of the street his home was the last on his street or his block "bye Emma, maybe we can hang out again but not at the gang," he said, "yeah, that would be fun what school do you go to" she asked, "a private school" he said, "oh that's too bad I go to a special school for special children like ray and Norman" she said, "okay goodbye Emma" he said.

Noah then got out of the truck and went towards the front door, and knocked as Emma and her dad drove off.

The door opened as Noah's mom looked down and smiled at him "Noah, what are you doing here? How did you get here? Where's your dad and uncle" she asked, "getting fucked I met a friend and her friends after I shot dad and uncle asshole can I come in please, mom" he asked, "of course, come in; I'll make dinner," she said.

Noah smiled as he walked in the door and went to the dining table, and waited for dinner to be done.

Jack and jowl looked all around the gang, but they couldn't find Noah anywhere; then jowl heard something in his left jacket pocket; he grabbed it and saw his lovely wife calling "yes, hello honey, what's up" he asked, "would you like to tell me how our son got home I heard the front door and saw it was Noah" she said, "what? do you mean Noah is there" he asked. "I mean, someone knocked on the front door, and it was Noah; when I answered, he's eating dinner, but where are you? I thought you and Jackie were with him," she said, "well, something happened, then we lost him, so he must've run home; wow, our son is one strong kid" he said. "okay and what do you mean you lost him" she asked, "well, he kind of shot us with a bow an arrow then ran somewhere but don't worry, me and jack are on our way there," he said.

He then hung the phone up as he looked at jack "I gotta get home," jowl said, "okay see you later and watch out, your wife is gonna get you," jack said, "shut up jack I'll see you tomorrow; maybe Noah will join soon," jowl said. "I hope so; otherwise, that's breaking the family code every kid no matter what gender will join this gang it's the way of the knights," jack said, "I know jack don't worry I'll make sure he does," jowl said.

Jowl then left his brother and the gang hideout and went to his wife and child.

Back at Noah's
Noah's mom sat down next to Noah and ate dinner "thanks for dinner, mom I gotta go do homework," he said, "wait a minute, mister; how did you get home without your father" she asked, "don't call him my dad he is not my father and I got a ride from Emma my new friend I made at that wherever we were"  he said, "he is your father now go to your room, and I'm glad you made a friend" she said.

Noah then walked to his room to do homework and wait for this man known as his father to come home, but he wasn't his father; he would never be his father again after he left him and his mother alone for five fucking years.

A/n: okay, sorry this chapter isn't as long. I'm trying to work on so many books all at once; hehe, it's not going that well when I think of an idea for one book, then try to think of something for the next book, sometimes easy, sometimes hard. Still, hey, it's the way of a writer, but I'm back, and I put some promised never land characters in; hehe, well, mostly the three main characters who will be coming back I miss that show; it was a good show; well, here's the next chapter; enjoy.

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