Chapter 2

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Noah walked through the halls until he got to his locker and opened it "good morning, prince of darkness" he said, "Roni, how many times do I have to tell you don't call me that I am not a prince I am dark, though," Noah said, "okay, whatever you say, we still hang out after school," Roni asked, "no, my mom can't pick me up; she said someone else would, and you know how I hate surprises," Noah said.

Roni just laughed "okay, well, let's get to literacy," Roni said, "okay, buddy," Noah said.

Noah walked to his class as he saw something, but it was nothing; he continued to walk to class and sat in his dark seat in the corner
"Noah evens can you come here real quick," she asked, "yes, miss peters," he said.

Noah got up and walked to the fron't of the class as the other students piled into the classroom "Noah, can you explain your answer on this quiz about what life means to you?" She asked, "no, ma'am," he said, "why not cause your answer was life is nothing a dark void of nothing," she said, "yeah course that is what the world is to me nothing," he said.

She just sighed "Noah, I and the other teachers are worried about you Are you doing okay? Are you okay at home? Did your mom do anything to you" she asked, "no ma'am" he said, "okay, well, I want you to rethink this answer now go back to your seat and will start the lesson" she said, "okay miss peters" he said.

He then walked back to his seat, as he put his hood up and tried to listen to the lesson and take as many notes as he could.

The bell rang as Noah picked up his books and walked to the next class; one of his favorites that wasn't really a class; it was more just to control the anger he had inside him.

He walked outside as he saw his professor, "Derek" Noah said, "hello Noah, ready to start" Derek asked, "yeah, ready as I'll ever be" Noah said, "haha, that a sport now pick up your sword and will start fencing" Derek said, "okay sounds good" Noah said.

Noah picked up his sword and helmet the only thing they protected was the face as they started to fight and fence until Noah tapped him "good work Noah ready for target practice" Derek asked, "yep" Noah said.

Noah picked up the gun as the targets came into sight, as he started to shoot every one until they were all down on the ground "wow, what you got's you so angry boy," Derek asked, "just my mom" Noah said, "what about your mom, kid" Derek asked, "she can't pick me up later since she has to work, and she says some kind of surprise is picking me up and I don't like surprises you know me" Noah said. "Haha yeah, I know, little dark prince," Derek said, "please don't call me that," Noah said, "I know, but it's just fun to mess with you now you better get to lunch the bell is about to ring," Derek said, "is it already that time man time with you always go fast," Noah said, "hey that's only because you are really good and a quick learner," Derek said.

Noah just nodded as Derek came over and ruffled his hair "see you tomorrow" Derek said, "yeah, see you next time, sire" Noah said.

Noah walked into the lunch room and grabbed his lunch as he sat next to Roni and Tate, his two best friends "how was defence class" Roni asked, "good, how was math? Tate, you still reading a good book" Noah asked, "of course I am did you have any trouble this morning" she asked, "just miss peters getting on me about a quiz" Noah said, "haha yeah, professor Erik said I didn't get some of the questions right" Roni said.

Noah just laughed "ha; I guess none of us is perfect," Noah said, "that's why we're the band of misfits," she said, "yeah, that's us, alright," Roni said.

Noah and his friends ate until the bell rang.

Noah got up and walked to math class as he still felt someone was watching or following him "hello? Is anyone there" he asked.

He looked around, but nothing came near him as his math teacher came out and looked at him. "Noah, are you okay," he asked, "no, sir," Noah said.

Mister Erik came over and just smiled "well, I'm sure it's nothing; come on, class is about to start," Erik said, "yes, sir," Noah said.

Noah walked into the lad's room behind his professor as he took his seat and focused on the problems and trying to solve them.

After the bell rang for the last time, Noah went to his locker; he may go to a private high price school, but they only did three to four classes a day; they were all very long but essential for life.

Noah put his books in his locker as he grabbed his bag and walked out to see who or what his ride was home.

Noah walked outside as he looked at all the other kids left in their cars with their parents; one who stood out to him he was a tall man with light brown hair and golden eyes with fair brown/tan skin while he was wearing a blue shirt with a red flannel with black jeans with steal toe boots as he was looking down at his phone. Who the hell is that man? I've never seen him before.

The man looked up and smiled as he walked toward him "Noah, my son, it's been so long," he said.

Noah backed up. Oh, shit, no.

Noah then ran away as he didn't want to see this man not ever again "Noah come back, please," he said.

Noah didn't care; he hated this man now and forever with all his heart he hated him now and forever.

He ran into the school, as he tried to find a hiding place "Derek, miss peters, professor Erik please, someone help me" he yelled, "Noah, come here," someone said.

Noah ran towards the sound of someone's voice as he ran into their arms.

Noah looked up at the man, but it wasn't anyone he knew before or didn't remember from his past that much "don't worry, Noah, everything will be okay" he said.

Noah tried to run, but the man had a firm grip as he picked Noah and brought him to his father, the man he hated "fuck you, dad" Noah said.

A/n: hi guys, I'm back with another long chapter hehe I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it; hehe; see you guys next time.

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