Chapter 21

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Josh was near the knight hideout after four years of letting Noah go and letting those assholes take Noah from him, but they both needed time to figure out a plan and to let those knights do whatever they wanted to him.

Josh looked around the gang hideout guards; all around more guards than they used to have. I guess they recruited more people over the years; shit, this might be complicated, but I'll do anything to get my fiancé back, Noah I'm coming for you I've been waiting too long it's time to get married I gave you your space like you asked my love, but it's time for us to be together at last.

Josh looked at his blueprints; where he could sneak into the room was his best bet.

Josh rolled up his plans and started to run while hiding in the darkness, making sure not to get caught by any guards or spotlights.

Noah was sitting in the cage still like usual that's what he was mainly doing, turning his time; it wasn't much Jowl, and jack brought him well that he ate while they weren't looking; they tried to get him to come out; but he didn't want to all he wanted to do was wait for Josh that's what he wanted, but he needed to let those two assholes try and persuade him otherwise they would stop coming after him. Josh, they wouldn't let him be happy if it was the last thing on earth.

Jowl opened the cell again "Noah? You awake? Listen to me, son" jowl said.

Noah looked up at him again like usual "you done trying, jowl" Noah asked, "why just why" jowl asked, "why Jowl" Noah asked, "why won't you ever join us? Join me? I've been nothing but nice to you since you were a baby why do you hate me so much" jowl asked.

Noah just smiled at Jowl "ha, that's your stupid question; let's see, my parents taught me one thing, and that was to hate gangs cause I've never liked you from the day you found me, then there were those five years you left me with your wife mom I miss her wish I could see her again she was the only thing I had besides Derek shit why couldn't I have talked to Derek when I was up there in heaven shit jowl just leave me the fuck alone I'll never love you, and I'll never join this stupid gang" Noah saud, "then why even come back here with us" jowl asked. "you wouldn't stop, and you'll never stop at any cost to see me happy I wanted to run from you again after you jumped Josh and me, but I said to myself fuck I'm tired of the chase cat and mouse game we've been playing I said I love you too Josh knowing I would never see him again that's okay I was tired of getting chased by you idiots wanting me to come back just kill me just fucking kill me I deserve it" Noah said.

Jowl looked at Noah, about to break into tears "I'll never stop trying, Noah" jowl said, "I know you won't, and that's okay; I'll never listen" Noah said.

Joel then left the cell, leaving a plate of food for him. Fuck I miss living life.

Josh got on the roof carefully, but it was hard to sneak past all these guards and security. Fuck, how much protection do they need? Around one hundred or something works on shipments, guns, and drugs; there's no way this many people want to be with the stupid knights.

Josh looked for anything on the rooftop to help him get inside and rescue his beloved.

Josh looked around till he saw a crack in something, maybe a bird or window, but at least it was a way inside.

He went over and opened the thing out of place; it was a loose board; when he opened it and looked down, he sat in the middle of the gang hideout.

Josh opened his bag quietly, grabbing his rope with an acre on the back so it could hook to the top while he threw the rope down.

He slowly climbed down it till he was on the second to last floor of the hideout.

Josh dropped down to the ground, quietly checking both ways to make sure no guards or any other member saw him sneaking around this place looking for Noah.

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