Chapter 13

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During the night, noah woke up and saw josh snuggled next to him. I'm sorry, josh, but I want a fair fight, a slow and painful death for jowl and jack, but I love you.

Noah got up and walked to the elevator, and pressed the down button; as the doors opened, he went to find the three buttons and went down to jack and jowl.

Noah heard the doors open as he went out and looked for the keys to the cell; they were hanging up on the wall next to the cell but out of reach for jowl and jack; he grabbed them and opened the cell as he looked for a knife's to undo the ropes around them.

Jowl opened his eyes as he looked at his son as he was doing something.

Noah grabbed a knife and used it to cut the ropes around them "noah, what are you doing? You'll get in trouble by the stones" jowl asked, "don't care I may love josh, but my hatred for you and jack fuels me more, so I want you to leave and never come back until their little war starts I want you to suffer a slow and painful death now; take your brother and never return" noah said.

Jowl looked at noah; his green eyes were a little darker; he was angry "yes, I understand; thank you for sparring us, Noah I'm sorry I couldn't be the father you needed, but I'm glad you're happy here" jowl said, "leave" noah said.

Jowl picked up jack and went to the elevator and went up and out the front door as noah lay on the cold hard floor and slept for the rest of the night down there, thinking about his actions and whether they were good or bad.

The next morning
Noah woke up as he rubbed his eyes, hearing the sound of voices shouting, "josh?" Noah asked.

Josh sat next to noah as he held him close "don't blame him, noah what happened to the prisoners? The knight brothers," Josh asked, "will you get mad if I tell you the truth? I don't want to get hurt" noah said, "you won't get hurt I promise I'll protect you no matter what" josh said. "Okay, well, I let them go," noah said, "WHAT? YOU LET THEM GO! WHY THE FUCK WHY!" James shouted, "James honey, calm down, you're scaring noah, noah why did you let them go?" She asked.

Noah was about to cry as he stayed close to josh "I let them go because I wanted to have a fair fight with them and for them to suffer a slow and painful death as they did to so many others" Noah said.

The father then smiled "oh, you sneaky bastard josh, you got a killer on your hands; that's the way a stone thinks, boy" James said, "I know I hate them so much; would you rather kill them on the battlefield" noah asked, "yes that sounds much better than just killing them here and now come on let's go eat breakfast" he said.

Josh stood up and held his hand out for noah "you are a sneaky bastard, but you're my sneaky bastard, noah" josh said.

Noah blushed as they all got in the elevator and went to the main floor for breakfast and training.

Jowl strode to the car with jack in his arms. Man, jack is heavy, and who knew noah would choose the stories over us over me, the man who raised him, but I guess he's an enemy now.

Jowl got his brother in the passenger seat as he was still knocked out. Man, he must either be a good sleeper or lose a lot of blood; either way, let's go home.

Jowl got into the driver's seat and started the car, and went back to their side of the city and back to their gang.

Back at the stones
Noah sat at the table with josh smiling and laughing, feeling happy, something he hadn't felt in a long time; with a home he could call, he finally escaped the dark and into the light with people that understood his hatred for the knights and love nothing he ever experienced before. Still, josh and his family liked him, and that's all that mattered to noah.

Noah put his dish in the sink as josh grabbed him by the hand "ready to train" josh asked, "of course" noah said.

Josh and noah raced to the back, both trying to beat each other till they both were laughing "your fast, noah" josh said, "your also fast" noah said

Noah and josh then got in fighting stenches and started to punch and hit each other, trying to get the other to go down, but they both wanted to win, and they were both excellent fighters.

They both breathed hard as they split apart "are you done playing, you two" Ryan asked.

Noah and josh looked up at his other brother with short red hair with green eyes like Noah's "what do you mean we aren't playing? We're training for the war to come" josh said. "you're not doing anything but hurting each other what your suppose to do to the other not yourselves dummies if you want to fight or train come with me to the gang" Ryan said, "can we" noah asked, "sure I'll let mom and dad know" Ryan said.

Josh and noah then lit up with excitement "this will be fun, right" noah asked, "of course it will I haven't been to the gang since I was ten when they jumped us" josh said, "I'm sorry they got you and so many other stones" noah said, "it's okay I'm home now, and I have you with me, nosh knight, I love you so much even if we're only young and you're a knight I don't care who your family is" josh said.

Noah just smiled and blushed at the same time "I love you too, josh; your my best friend" noah said, "me too noah," josh said, "guys are you ready mom and dad are coming with us," Ryan said, "okay coming come on, noah," josh said, "okay" nosh said.

Noah then followed josh into the house and got into a car that took them to the gang.

A/n: okay short chapter running otu of ideas a little, but hey, ill think of something, son Im probably going to jump over to my other books o work on them, hehe, plus my new one has a secret that will be released next month hehe.

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