Chapter 9

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Two years later
After that fire, Noah ran for his life, and that's all he's been doing, running from his family from his dad; sure, he was only twelve, but he was a dark-hearted boy.

Noah opened his eyes as he woke up in his bed "Noah, time to get up," he said, "coming," Noah said.

After he ran for a long time, someone finally found him, a lovely man named max Stevenson; he didn't have any kids, so he thought it would be fun if Noah stayed with him, and it's been good so far.

Noah walked into the kitchen "good morning, sir" Noah said, "how many times do I have to tell you not to call me sir max is okay or dad or something else" axe said, "okay, whatever you say is breakfast ready" Noah asked "yes it is I made oatmeal with some blueberries and blackberries in it if you want that" max asked, "no that's fine I'll eat and be out of your hair max" Noah said, "no need to stay as long as you won't remember this is a safe home wherever you came from last your no longer there" max said, "thank you max" Noah said.

Noah ate breakfast quickly "okay, time for school," Noah said, "are you ready to go," max asked, "yeah, I just need to get dressed and get my bag on," Noah said, "okay, sounds great," max said.

Noah walked back to the room and put on a white shirt with black jeans and his red jacket, then put on his back vans and grabbed his bag then, went out the door with max "have a good day at school, Noah," max said, 'thanks max hopefully the school doesn't call you again at work I hate making you come down and leaving work" Noah said. "Hey, it's okay my work understands that I have to take care and be there for you when something goes wrong, but please try to behave this time," max said, "okay, I'll try," Noah said.

Noah got in the passenger seat as max got in the driver's seat "your growing so much, Noah" max said, "thanks" Noah said.

Meanwhile, during those two years
Jowl tried to chase after his son after he started to run, but Noah was a fast runner, an excellent runner at that; he ran until jowl couldn't find him, which was two years ago.

Now jowl was just a sad soul; his only son was gone, and nothing could make him happy, not even his brother or the killings or smuggling drugs; all he wanted was his son home and safe "hey jowl" jack said, "what do you want jack" jowl asked, "I think someone has seen your kid" jack said.

Jowl sat up and perked up "where!" Jowl demanded, "woah woah, calm down brother, come on, I'll drive you there and will find him, I swear, but he's a fighter like you and me," jack said, "okay, thank you, brother; let's go now leave mark or Wendy in charge let's just go," jowl said, "okay okay calm down," jack said.

Noah got out of max car and waved goodbye as he went into the school and walked to his locker "hey, Noah," she said, "morning Alice" he said, "ready for today's math text" she asked, "not really" he said, "haha I know you aren't but were in seventh grade and they think they have to make it challenging" she said, "yeah well I got to get to pe I'll see you later for math and at lunch" he asked, "yeah see you later Noah" she said.

Noah closed his locker and waved goodbye to his friend, and walked to pe and saw his teacher "morning, coach," Noah said, "oh, morning, Noah, ready for the running test today" he asked, "yes, sir" Noah said.

Noah went over and did his stretches as he waited for the class to come in; sure, it wasn't one-on-one fighting, but it was still training to him "okay, everyone, line up" he said.

Everyone then got in a line. "I wanted to introduce you to a new classmate we have today; his name is ray Forman," he said.

Everyone looked next to the coach as I reconsigned him; he was Emma's friend "go stand by Noah, please" he said, 'yes, sir" ray said.

Ray walked over and smiled at Noah "long time no see Noah; Emma misses you" ray said, "why are you here, ray? Are you spying on me for my dad" Noah asked, "nope, my mom just wanted me to go to a closer school to our home" ray said, "okay" noah said.

Ray and Noah quieted down as the couch spoke up "okay, class today is the running test, so get ready, set go" he said.

Everyone then started to run as Noah tried to beat ray.

Jowl and Jack pulled up to the school "he's in there," jowl asked, "yeah, that's what I heard from Isabella; said rays tracker went, and he found a boy that looked exactly like Noah, so don't worry will get him back" Jack said.

Back inside
Noah was breathing in and out as ray handed him a water bottle "here, Noah," ray said, "thank's ray" Noah said.

Noah took the water and drank it "your fast, Noah" ray said, "thanks, you are fast too, probably from all those games you play with Emma and Norman" Noah said, "yes, we run a lot; why do you run Noah" ray asked, "I don't know I've ran all my life I've always been running and just took it up and started just to run as fast as I could" Noah said.

Noah and ray just smiled and laughed together until the bell rang; they waved goodbye to each other as Noah walked to math.

Noah walked to math and waved to Alice as he sat down, not ready to take the test "okay, class, today is the big math test. I hope you are all excited," she said, "yes, miss Winter," everyone said.

The test took forever, at least that's what it felt like to Noah until the bell rang, and he went to science and literacy; after that, it was boring, and Noah didn't care that much about most of his subjects; he mostly cared for pe sine he loved to be active not sitting in a room learning about something he won't use.

Jack and jowl were waiting for the bell after the bell until the last one rang and all the kids came out "now keep an eye out for Noah; remember he has green eyes and blond hair with freckles on his right cheek" jowl said, "I know what my nephew looks like jowl" jack said "I'm just reminding you" jowl said.

Jowl and jack looked closely till they saw him with another boy with spiky black hair, short on one side. Long conversing, his other eye walking next to his boy, his son "okay, how are we doing this' Jack asked, "I'll grab him" jowl said, "okay whatever you say, you are better at spying and getting your target" jack said, "okay I'll be back" jowl said.

Jowl got out of the car slowly and quietly as he walked to a bush nearby where the two boys were talking "so who's picking you up, Noah" ray asked, "just a friend I made here when I ran from home" Noah said, "you ran from home but why" ray skied, "I hate my dad always have always will so I ran, but you have a good home, so I'm happy for you, Emma, and Norman" Noah said.

Jowl then moved with his bush a little closer as he took hold of Noah and brought him into the bush with him "what the" Noah said

Jowl then put a hand over Noah and stood in the bush "tell your mother thank you, ray" jowl said, "of course, co-boss jowl" ray said.

Jowl then went back into the bush and moved it back to his car, and put Noah in the car; jowl grabbed a needle and put it in his son, "sleep, Noah sleeps now, my son, you'll feel better soon" jowl said.

Noah's eyes then closed as jowl got in the front "did you give him the sedative" jack asked, "yep, let's go" jowl said.

Jack started the car as he drove home with his brother and nephew.

Noah opened his eyes as he looked around the room; his arms were chained to the wall. Oh shit.

Joel and jack then came in and smiled at Noah. Oh, double shit.

A/n: an okay new chapter, yay, another done now on to editing maybe, but hey, if I don't edit, I'll write another chapter, hehe, but hey, I already have so much to edit, then I'm going on a hiatus and use reading maybe hehe.

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