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Meredith had been sleeping for a few hours and then got up to start making dinner but first she had to nebulize to make sure the mucus would get loose so she could cough it up

She put on the vest again as it sped up the process and grabbed her nebulizer, strapping it around her head. To kill the time she grabbed her phone and started scrolling, suddenly she received a text from Carolyn

'Hi sweetie. Dad and I wanted to check if you, Derek and Charlotte wanna come over tomorrow. X'

Meredith knew they were off as it was Saturday but wasn't sure of their plans. So she quickly texted back. 'I'm not sure yet, I'll ask Derek once he's home. X'

She started coughing up the thick mucus that kept her from breathing comfortably, as if every breath was a chore they tired her out extremely

"We're home!" Derek announced as he walked through the front door with Charlotte

"Mommy hi!" Charlotte smiled

"Charlotte, your shoes and jacket!" Derek said as she just ran inside

"Hi princess" Meredith said, still nebulizing with the vest. Charlotte then quickly ran back and took off her shoes and jacket. "Der-" She reached her hand out for her husband as she couldn't yell too loud

Derek noticed and walked up to her, disinfecting his hands first and taking a seat next to her. "Hey. How's it going?" He checked how much longer she had to do from treatment

"Your mom texted me-" She said and just showed her phone as she started coughing again

"Sounds good to me." Derek nods. "Should I call her?" He asked and she nodded. "Continue, I'll call mom and put Charlotte in the bath." He kissed her forehead, placed her phone down and got up. "Charlie, let's go take a bath"

Charlotte and Derek disappeared to the bathroom of their large one floor house. They had made the plans themselves but a house without stairs sounded much better for Meredith in the long term as the future was unpredictable

Derek quickly phoned his parents to tell them they'd come over the next day. He then helped Charlotte to run a bath

It was something they always did as Charlotte went to school, a germy place and same for Derek and Meredith at the hospital. Of course colds and other things still happened, they just did their best in a try to prevent it

"Derek?" He heard Meredith's voice

"Bedroom!" He replied as he just took a shower himself

"Hey" She smiled and kissed his lips, wrapping her arms around him

"Hey." He smiled. "Mom and dad know that we're coming. Charlie is getting dressed in her pajamas."

"Great, then I'll start making dinner." She nods with a soft smile

"I'll come help you in a bit." Derek nods and puts on new underwear and pajamas while Meredith walks back to the kitchen, grabbing what she needed. She wasn't a great chef but by now she was specialised in making salads, grilled cheese or pasta

"What are you going to make?" Derek asked and walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her from the back

"Grilled cheese. I'm still a bit tired. I'm glad we can sleep in tomorrow." She chuckled

"Charlotte can climb in with us if she wakes up early." He kissed her head

"Sounds good." Meredith nods and continues making dinner. Derek put the table ready and grabbed Meredith's meds

"Charlotte, dinner's ready!" Meredith yelled and coughed once. She placed the plates on the table and took a seat, quickly swallowing her pills down with some water

"Grilled cheese!" Charlotte smiled

"Enjoy it because tomorrow I'm making extra vegetables

"But daddy-" Charlotte whined

"Charlie, vegetables are yummy" Derek chuckled

"Grilled cheese is yummy!" She smiled, tucking her blonde curls out of her face

"That's true.." Meredith giggled

"Right." Derek rolled his eyes and laughed

After dinner Meredith disappeared to her bedroom for another round of treatment. When she was younger she often skipped a round but ever since she and Derek were married she never skipped one and since they had Charlotte she even did an extra sometimes. Just because she now realised what she had to lose

Derek kept Charlotte busy until Meredith was back. She was exhausted. All the coughing was terribly exhausting

"Mommy, come sit!" Charlotte said from her spot on the couch. Meredith walked towards them and sat down. She covered herself with her warm and fluffy mint green blanket in between Charlotte and Derek. The little girl chose a movie and they started watching

"Daddy, can we have popcorn?" She asked halfway

"I'll go grab some. Mer, you want too?" He asked

"Yeah." She smiled and looked on her watch. "Almost two hours since dinner." She said so Derek knew to take meds with him for her to take. Even if it was snacking she needed those so her body would deal well with the food

Derek made some popcorn, sugaring them a little and taking Meredith's meds. He placed it on the table and while Charlotte has already started to dig in and Meredith took her meds he had returned to the kitchen and grabbed them something to drink, placing it on the table as well

"I love you" Derek kissed the top of Meredith's head

"I love you too." She smiled at Derek and cuddled into his side

"Shh!! We're watching a movie!" Charlotte said

"Sorry!" Derek laughed and pulled Meredith closer to him, hugging her tight

Meredith leaned into his touch, wanting to use his body to heat up as she was freezing cold as always

Terrible, terrible day and on top of that stepped into glass. I just wanna sleep :p

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