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"Mer?" Derek walked into his bathroom

"You got everything you need?" Meredith asked her husband.

They had been asked to fly out for a surgery but it was last minute to they had about one hour to pack their stuff

"Yep and I packed your meds." Derek said, wrapping his arms around Meredith. "Will you bring your vest?" He asks her

"No, but I'll take my nebulizer for sure." Meredith tells him and kisses his lips

"Now?" He smirked

"Now what?" Meredith teased

"Shower?" Derek kissed her again

"Derek- We don't have time." Meredith laughs as Derek keeps kissing her

"Sad.." Derek winks and kisses her once more. "I'll wait downstairs." He said

"I'll be there in a bit." Meredith promised

She then quickly collected all her stuff in a bag and went downstairs

"We don't stay overnight, right?" Meredith asked

"I think we will fly back during the night. It's now 9am." Derek said and grabbed both their backpacks

"Okay, let's go now." Meredith squeezed his hand. "Charlotte?" She called out, coughing a bit

"Yes?" Charlotte ran in

"We have to go, sweetie. Are you ready?" Derek asked while rubbing Meredith's back

"I'm ready." Charlotte nods and grabs her stuff


"We'll com get her tomorrow." Derek hugged his parents. "Bye monkey, love you."

"Love you, Charlie." Meredith kissed her daughter's forehead. "Bye!" She waved as she and Derek got in the car and drove to the hospital

Once they arrived there wasn't really time left so they had to get in one of the ambulances that would drive the doctors to the airport. Meredith and Derek and two residents, that would be it

"Isn't it insane that Charlotte is getting so big already?" Derek was thinking out loud

"Unbelievable." Meredith nods and suddenly started coughing

"You okay?" Derek asked as he noticed it took a little longer than usual for it to stop

"Inhaler-" Meredith forced out

Derek quickly grabbed her inhaler and handed it over to her

"Thanks.." Meredith said once her coughing fit called down, reaching out for her ribs as they were hurting a bit

Derek planted a soft kiss on the side of her head and held her close

Almost all doctors were wearing their scrubs, with a jacket close by but Meredith was wearing her scrubs, a sweater and her warm jacket on top, even an extra pair of legging underneath her scrubs

They finally arrived at the airport. They went through special security and got onto the private plane. Meredith and Derek sat next to each other, Meredith's head resting on Derek's shoulder as she was pretty tired

"Sleep, it's okay." Derek assured his wife, covering her with a blanket

"Wake me up when we're landing please." Meredith asked and closed her eyes

The next three hours went quickly. Derek eventually woke Meredith up and she quickly did a round of her airway treatment with the portable nebulizer that worked on accu

They quickly got into the ambulance and were brought to the hospital

Meredith and Derek on too, their residents following close by

"Why does she have an NG tube?" They heard a nurse whisper

"Ignore it." Derek squeezed his wife's hand

"Hmm.." Meredith nods her head and they continue the walk to the surgical floor where the chief was waiting for them

"Hello, I'm doctor Shepherd. This is Doctor Grey, Doctor Schmitt and Doctor Helm." Derek introduced them

"You were expecting us." Meredith ads

"Yes. We got the patient ready, they're bringing him to the OR now so I'd say let's start." The chief said and secorted the doctors to the operating room

Derek and Meredith checked the last scans before they started to scrub in, their matching scrub caps revealing they were somehow related

Meredith waited until everyone was ready and then looked at her husband, her smile shining through the surgical mask

"It's a beautiful day to save lives." Derek smiled as he looked at his wife

The surgery went pretty smooth, both Meredith and Derek kept an eye on how long the surgery was taking as Meredith needed to use her inhaler or nebulizer every once in a while

"Go, it's okay." Derek assured her as he saw five hours had passed

"We're almost ready." Meredith said, her voice a bit raspy

"Exactly. Almost but not completely." He smiled softly and she nodded, scrubbing out, doing a short version of her treatment and scrubbing back in


The doctors were back at the airplane when they got told there was a defect

"You guys can wait in a special zone, it shouldn't take too long." Someone told them and led them inside to an old office or something with two couches and a few chairs

"Can we get anything to eat?" Derek asks the supervisor

"It won't take long." He promised and left

Helm and Schmitt laid down on one couch and just closed their eyes to take a nap while Meredith and Derek sat down on the other couch.

"Let me get your tube feeding. And then you should nebulize." He rubbed her back

"I'm tired." Meredith yawns as Derek opened his backpack, grabbing everything ready for Meredith and helping her

Hours later they were still there. Meredith was asleep in Derek's arms but he was getting worried. They were running out of Meredith's medical equipment and they hadn't seen anyone since they were put in this room

Suddenly Meredith woke up, aggressively coughing as she felt her lungs struggle

"Shh. Shh, it's okay." Derek quickly got up and held her as she coughed, Schmitt and Helm waking up as well but a little unsure if they had to do something

"Sorry-" Meredith coughed as Derek got her nebulizer ready, not enough medicine left for a full treatment

"Damn, they better get ready to leave soon." Derek angrily groaned, getting really upset

Meredith weakly grasped his hand and weakly squeezed it. "It will be okay." She tried to assure him while she was trying to stay awake, soft coughs leaving her body

"Shh. Give in, I'll unhook you if needed." He kissed her temples

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