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"Mer, we love you, okay?" Derek kissed her head as they wheeled her to the OR

"I love you too. Just- Just in case.. Take care of Charlie." She pants, completely out of breath.

"I will. But you'll push through and once you're recovered we'll take care of her together. And we're going to do things we haven't been able to do in years." Derek assured her and kissed her head

"Derek, you need to stop here. I will take care of her, I promise." Teddy took over


The whole surgery Mark, Christopher and even Derek were watching the surgery from the galley. Luckily Teddy understood and didn't ask them to leave while Carolyn and Addison waited in her office, not wanting to watched their Meredith be cut open

"Mom- Addie-" Mark ran inside

"It's been 10 hours, that's too long, something is wrong. Right?" Carolyn asks Mark, completely upset

"It took a long time, but she's out of surgery. She's alive and kicking." Mark hugs both woman

"Oh Mark-" Carolyn starts crying. "Oh let's go see her."

Mark led Addison and Carolyn to the ICU. They stand outside the room. They could see Meredith laying down in the huge bed, intubated and pale while Derek strongly held onto her hand

"Alex has the girls. He'll take care of them the whole night." Addison tells Mark

"She's pulling through. Surgery went more difficult then they had expected but so far so good, so let's now hope the body won't reject the donated lungs." Christopher speaks up as he rubs his wife's tensed shoulders

"Mom, dad, you should sleep a few hours, we can stay with Derek and we'll come and wake you up if needed." Mark said, Addison nodding in agreement

"If you want we can get my office ready?" Addison suggests

"Think that might be a good idea, I have a feeling we'll live in the hospital for the next few days." Carolyn nods

"I'll call the girls to tell them Mer got the surgery and all went well." Addison tells them

Mark, Carolyn and Christopher walked away so they could place some mattresses in Addison's office so they'd be able to sleep without getting woken up like what would happen in an on call room


"Derek?" Mark walks inside Meredith's room. His parents have been sleeping and now Derek had to eat something

"Mark. She's been doing amazing." Derek tells his brother, extremely proud of his wife, she always pulled through

"I know, Derek. You should go take a shower and get some rest, I'll stay with her. I promise." Mark places his hand on his brother's shoulder

"No. I would like to stay with her." Derek quickly said, not moving his eyes away from his Meredith

"I know but you need to be ready for when she wakes up. She'll need you, and Charlotte comes over once Mer's extubated. You should go shower." Mark tried again

"Okay, I'll go take a quick shower in my office but I'll sleep here, I don't wanna be away from her." Derek agreed hesitatingly

"Yes, that's okay. Go now. Mom and dad are sleeping in Addie's office." Mark explains

Derek gave Meredith a soft kiss on her forehead, brushing some hairs to the side that had come loose from the braid. "I love you, I won't be far but Mark is gonna sit with you. I'm proud of you." He whispered and then left the room. "Mark, page me if anything changes." He said sternly and disappeared

Mark kept sitting with his sister and barely a minute later he heard his wife sneak into the room

"How is she?" Addison asks

"She's breathing over the vent. I wonder when she can be extubated and how it will go." He shrugs, knowing it will be rough after the transplant

"Damn.. I can't believe this finally happened. Yesterday I was about to say goodbye and now she finally got her lungs." Addison smiled widely, ever since she was a part of the family they had always been hovering over Meredith's health and about her need for lungs

"Yes. I can't believe it either, all I can see is when she came over to play when her mom was working, she was always sick or exhausted after an afternoon, she spent so many nights at our house... I remember the first night she spent at our house, I was complaining because she kept us up at night with her coughing.." Mark said, feeling a bit guilty but then smiling again. "And then years went by. And now we're here. Still as a family, each of us has kids. It's crazy."

"I know.." Addison nods and hugs her husband from behind. "I remember I was very intimidated by your parents and Derek, I kept hoping they'd like me but Meredith and I got along immediately."

"So good you two spend more time together than with us." Mark chuckled

"Only on our shopping trips." Addison defends herself playfully

"I know it's not over. First we need to see if her body rejects the lungs and then we gotta see how long her body will stay civil towards the new ones. She might have issues again in 10 years, Charlie's only 20 by then.." Mark trailed off

"Hey, that's not now. Let's think about the close future, how we can help her recover and maybe plan something nice she can look forward too, it will be painful enough already." Addison rubs her husband's back right when the door opens again

"Is she okay?" It was Derek, completely worried

"She is okay. Here, sit down." Mark stood up so his brother could sit down and nap

"How is she?" Carolyn and Christopher walk through the door. "We slept a bit but we just wanna be close to her." They explain

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