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"Mer? Are you almost ready?" Derek walked into the room to check how much longer she had from treatment

"5 minutes." She replied with a small smile. She was already dressed but couldn't eat yet as they'd check her blood

"I'll go get Charlie ready for school." Derek offered

"Thanks." Meredith smiled and coughed up some mucus again

A little while later the family was on their way to the hospital as Meredith had a monthly checkup with Teddy.

"Have a nice day at school, princess." Meredith got out of the car and hugged her daughter

"Nana and Poppa will come pick you up this afternoon." Derek told his daughter

"Bye!" Charlotte waved and entered the building. Meredith and Derek made their way back into the car and drove to the hospital

"Can you stay or do you have surgeries?" Meredith asked, placing her hand on top of Derek's

"I can stay, but probably not the whole appointment. I'll have to see how quick it goes." Derek said

"Okay." Meredith smiled. "Thanks"

"Of course." Derek tenderly smiled at her and parked his car in the parking lot

The two made their way into the hospital and up to where they had their appointment with Teddy

"Hey!" Teddy walked towards them. "Follow me."

Meredith went first and took a seat, Derek sitting next to her

"Okay Meredith, we'll start by checking your vitals and your weight. You can change into a gown." Teddy announced

Meredith got up and changed into her gown, returning a few minutes later and standing on the scale

"Hmm.." Teddy frowned. "Way too low to my liking."

"I still haven't gained what I lost." Meredith nods a bit anxiously

"How much do you eat? Do you stick to the diet?" Teddy asks as she lets Meredith sit and takes her blood pressure

"I try to.." Meredith sighed, knowing it was less

"I'd suggest another feeding tube.." Teddy sighed as she looked at her friends

"Just great.." Meredith rolled her eyes and sighed

"I'm sorry, Meredith." Teddy gave her a soft smile but Meredith didn't react

The tests continued, her blood pressure too low, her heart rate not what they had hoped for

"Meredith.. you really have to take better care of yourself." Teddy carefully started

"I really try to.." Meredith sighed

"I'm close to admitting you.. but I won't as long as we can work out a schedule. And you'll receive treatment at home." Teddy said sternly


Meredith was asleep in the hospital bed, they had inserted the feeding tube and she had done another round of breathing treatment that had completely worn her out

"Mer? Wake up, we can leave." Derek woke her up after a few hours

"Oh.." Meredith nodded and slowly sat up

"Let me give you your feeding, we can see what we'll make for dinner then." Derek said and helped her. Once that was over he helped her into some warm and comfy clothes

"Is Charlotte home?" Meredith asked once they had reached the car

"Mom and dad are watching her. Do you want her home tonight?" Derek asked

"I'm not sick with an infection, Derek. Stop being so overprotective." Meredith sighed and started calling her parents

"Hey Mer, how did your appointment go?" Carolyn picked up

"Not the best but it's okay, mom. Can we come pick up Charlotte, please?" Meredith asked

"Straight away? She's having some ice cream." Carolyn chuckled

"Mom, it's past 4 already." Meredith sighed but smiled regardless, knowing how obsessed Charlotte is with ice cream

"Oh hush you! You were the same." Carolyn laughed. "Why don't you two come in for a bit, you can have dinner here if you'd like." Carolyn suggests

"Thanks mom, that would be lovely. Be there in 5 minutes." Meredith said and hung up. "I love seeing them but I hate it when it's like this." She pointed at the tube

"Mom and dad are used to it, just prepare yourself because mom will probably drop off food at our house every day." Derek winked. "But then that's easy, no more wasting time at making food. And mom's a great chef."

"Yeah.." Meredith sighed and stayed quiet until they arrived

Both adults got out and walked towards the front door, Carolyn opened the door a little later

"Oh Mer, I thought it went okay?" Carolyn frowned and hugged her daughter in law, then hugging her son tight

"My vitals were low and same for my weight, nothing too bad, mom." Meredith tried to convince them

"She'll take some time off from work, some IV treatments from home and lots of rest and she'll be as good as new." Derek winked, helping his wife convincing their parents even if he wasn't that sure himself

"Now come in, I made lasagna but with salmon and spinach." Carolyn smiled as her kids walked inside the house

"Thanks mom. It smells wonderful here." Derek said

"Hey sweetie!" Meredith walked towards Charlotte

"Hi mommy." The girl hugged her mom. "A tube again?" She frowned

"Yes sweetie, but not too long." Meredkth winked and went to say hi to her father

"She's been great." Christopher hugged Meredith. "Son, why don't you call Addie and Mark to ask if they wanna come over as well?"

"I'll call, dad." Derek walked outside and called his brother

"Poppa and I went fishing. Daddy will be jealous." Charlotte told her mom

"Oh you did? Did you catch any?" Meredith asked with a smile

"Yes! Right, Poppa? A big one!" Charlotte gasped

"They're coming." Derek announced as he walked back inside

"Great. Now listen to your daughter, she's already better at fishing than you." Meredith laughed

"I catched a fish daddy! With Poppa!" She smiled

"Oh you did?" Derek winked

"Yep! Last time you couldn't catch any but now Poppa taught me how to!"

Here I am with another update :p

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