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"Daddy, can we go see mommy?" Charlotte asked as Derek had come picked her up at school

"Yes, we're going now." Derek nods with a smile

"Yay! Let's go see mommy!" She screamed and got in the car

Charlotte kept singing as Derek drove to the hospital. He parked the car and they got in

"Hey Charlie!" Addison smiled from the chair next to Meredith's bed, Meredith herself was asleep while receiving oxygen through a nasal cannula

"Aunt Addie!" Charlotte hugged her aunt. "Hi!" The girl giggled

"Hi sweetie. How was school?" Addison asked as she fixed the girl's hair

"Boring." Charlotte shrugged. "But uncle Mark promised Elisa and I can have a sleepover soon." Charlotte said as she kept a close eye on her mother

The girl watched as Derek brushed his fingers over Meredith's pale cheek and kissed her forehead

"When will mommy be awake?" Charlotte asked carefully

"You can wake her up if you'd want." Derek assured his daughter and watched as Charlotte got into her mom's hospital bed.

"Mommy, wake up!" Charlotte giggled and kissed her mother's cheek

"Charlie.. hi." Meredith's voice was hoarse and raspy but she wrapped her arms around the little girl

"Mommy!" Charlotte giggled softly as she hugged her mom

"How was your day?" Meredith asked, she felt tired but wanted to be awake whenever her daughter was visiting her

"Derek? Meredith?" Teddy walked inside

"Charlie, what do you think? Shall we get some cake from the coffeeshop?" Addison suggested, seeing Teddy's concerned face

"Okay." Charlotte climbed down and left the room with Addison

"What's wrong?" Meredith immediately asked

"Your lungs.. The tests have only declined" Teddy started explaining

"So.. What do you wanna do?" Derek asked

"I'm afraid if it gets even worse we'll have to look into a transplant." Teddy said as she showed the results on her tablet to them

"There's no other way?" Meredith frowned as she started tearing up

"No. I'm sorry, Meredith. Look at the scans we took.." She sighed

"They're completely scarred. No healthy tissue left?" Derek frowned

"That's why you've been having such a hard time breathing, your lungs just can't open completely anymore." Teddy explained and watched as Meredith nodded her head

"I don't want the transplant. I'm 42, I didn't want it before 45-50.." She whispered. "There's really no way?"

"No, I'm sorry.." Teddy sighed and squeezed Meredith's hand

"I wanna go home. Today." Meredith sternly said

"I'll make sure everything is arranged so you get the bes† care at home. We'll discuss it more once it sunk in"

"Can we- Get a minute?" Meredith's voice was shaky. Teddy nodded and left the room, giving the two some time to talk

"Hmm.." Derek sighed and hugged his wife tight, both lost for words

"It scares me.. What if they can't find a new pair of lungs? Or what if they do and my body rejects them?" Meredith muttered

"Hey, we'll take it one step at a time. We're still weeks away from the transplant." He kissed Meredith's head

"Weeks.. Damn, Derek. We need to do the things we've wanted to do for years. We have Charlie, I don't want her to get worried, I wanna make memories with her." Meredith said

"Hey, you're not dying. Did you hear me?" Derek sternly asked

"We need to keep that possibility in the back of our minds. I need my daughter to remember me when-" She started but couldn't finish

"Shh.." Derek hugger her tight

"Hey, can we come back inside?" They heard Addison's voice and it pulled them out of their hug

Derek nodded and stood up

"I need to talk to you." Derek said and Addison immediately knew something wasn't okay

As Derek and Addison walked out they brought Charlotte inside

"Sweetie- Come here please?" Meredith was in a desperate need to hold her daughter

"Mommy? Is something wrong?" Charlie asked as she climbed in next to her mother

"I'm coming home tonight. But I'll need the transplant soon, baby. Remember we told you about it? They'll give me a new pair of lungs so it will be easier to breathe." Meredith kissed her head

Sorryyyyy! broken arm thing is really taking it's toll. It was supposed to come off today but my stupid body doesn't wanna heal correctly

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