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"Okay guys, Dr Grey will drop Meredith off very soon." Carolyn told Derek and Mark

The boys were as old as Meredith, 6 years old and loved playing with Meredith

"Cool! Can she play today?" Mark asked

"We'll see, she's a little tired lately but we'll see how we can figure things out." Carolyn told the boys

"Mama-" A two year old Amelia ran into the room. "Up!"

"Come here." Carolyn lifted the dark haired girl into her arms and placed her on her hip

"Amy, Mer is coming over!" Derek smiled as he told his sister

"Mew!" Amelia giggled

"Yep, Mer." Carolyn laughed

"Yay!" Amelia smiled. "Pway!" The girl started kicking her legs as a sign she wanted to be placed on the ground again

A few minutes later they saw Ellis' car through the window

"Guys, watch your sister for a minute, okay?" Carolyn asked and went outside. "Good Morning Doctor Grey."

"Good morning." Ellis said and opened the door so Meredith could get out. The blonde girl was very small and tiny for her age, her blonde hair lose over her shoulders, her skin a little pale as always

"Hi." She waved at Carolyn, struggling to get her backpack out

"Let me help you." Carolyn offered and carried the backpack

"She can stay the night, right?" Ellis asked Carolyn

"She can. My husband will be home as well tonight." Carolyn explained

"Okay, bye Meredith. Bye Carolyn." Ellis got in her car and drove away while Meredith was waving but her mom didn't really notice

"Let's go inside, the boys and Amy are excited to see you." Carolyn grabbed Meredith's hand and walked the girl inside

"Mer!" The boys smiled

"Mew!" Amelia ran towards her on her unsteady legs

"Hi!" Meredith giggled, coughing a little afterwards

"We missed you, Mer! Let's go, we can play!" Mark smiled

"You can play today, right?" Derek grabbed her hand carefully

"I can." Meredith nodded with a smile and followed the boys

"I'll come check on you in a bit." Carolyn smiled and carried Amelia to the kitchen so she could grab some drinks for the kids


"Mer! We won!" Derek smiled as they were playing video games because Meredith was getting too tired

"Yay!" Meredith smiled but started coughing

"Okay Mer, I think it's time we'll do your treatment." Carolyn said and reached out for the girl's hand

"We'll wait here when you're ready to join us!" The boys smiled and Carolyn took Meredith to the kitchen. She plugged the girl's stuff in and got the medicine ready. Carolyn put the vest onto Meredith and handed her the mask of the nebulizer

"Thank you." Meredith took over and started doing her treatment

"Let me help." Carolyn said as Meredith seemed to be too tired

Carolyn pulled Meredith onto her lap and helped her, noticing the little girl was falling asleep

"Mer, let's tell the boys you're gonna take a nap, okay?" Carolyn said once the treatment was finished and lifted Meredith into her arms

"Kay." Meredith muttered and could barely keep her head up any longer

"Boys?" Carolyn walked into the living with Meredith

"Yes mom?" Derek frowned, seeing Meredith half asleep

"Gonna take -nap" Meredith muttered

"I'm gonna place her down for a little bit. She's very tired." Carolyn told the boys

"She can lay in my bed. I have my warm blanket on the bed." Derek smiled

"Thanks Der." Carolyn smiled as she felt verh proud of her boys. "Amy is still asleep as well so I'll tuck Meredith in." She explained

Carolyn carried Meredith upstairs and placed her down in Derek's bed. Tucking in her bear next to her head and covering her with Derek's warm blankets

"Night night, monkey." Carolyn placed a soft kiss on Meredith's forehead and waited until she was asleep. She then returned downstairs to clean up all Meredith's medicine

"Mom, can we play when Mer's awake?" Mark asked

"Yes Mark. Meredith's just very tired from all the playing but she's staying the night so you guys can play all eve and tomorrow until she has to leave again." Carolyn explained

"Sounds good mom!" Derek smiled and continued playing his game

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