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It has been a very hard recovery for Meredith and the family. She really had a hard time to build up her stamina again, causing her to fall asleep after almost every activity. Eventually, after weeks and weeks of hospital visit and training schedules she had to follow, she was finally able to get back to a normal routine

And that's how the next couple of years went, with one scare when she got exposed to the ER to someone with a dangerous lung disease, which had her admitted for almost 3 full weeks.

Charlotte was an amazing daughter, she completely understood her mom's illness, even if it wasn't always nice when she couldn't join because of it, Derek and Meredith were very aware how blessed they were as most people with cystic fibrosis are infertile.

"Meredith?!" Carolyn yells as she enters the house. Carolyn and Christopher had bought the property next to Meredith and Derek so they could all help each other

"Oh mom-" She heard Meredith's voice, the blonde woman had been napping on the couch

"Hi sweetheart." Carolyn walks inside and goes to hug her

"Thanks for coming over. Charlie will be here in a bit. Where's dad?" She frowned

"He's helping Derek wrap up some things so they can turn on the grill." Carolyn chuckled, both men had been using that grill almost every week since spring had started

"Good.." Meredith smiled softly, even if she felt like crap. Her lungs had been slowly slipping down again and there was no way but she'd probably need another lung transplant in the next 5 years

"You're wheezing a little, are you doing okay?" Carolyn softly asks

"Yeah. Just gonna have to nebulize." Meredith nods, pushing herself onto her feet

"Okay sweetie. I'll go set some things ready for the food." Carolyn heads to the kitchen and starts cutting the vegetables and makes a salad

"Hi mom, where's Mer?" Derek frowns as he enters the house again

"Hi son. Mer is nebulizing, I assume she's in your bedroom, I think she's using the vest. She was wheezing a little." Carolyn explains to her son

Derek nods and walks off, hearing coughing sounds coming from his and Meredith's bedroom, as he opened the door he saw his wife sitting on the chair, coughing badly which caused her face to turn red

"Hey, is it going okay?" Derek asks, walking up to her and holding her up a bit as she coughed

Meredith weakly nods her head, leaning entirely into Derek's touch as she was exhausted


Charlotte had just parked her car and gotten out. She opened the front door and heard her mom coughing in her room. She knew her grandparents must be here somewhere as well but she decided to walk to her parents' bedroom where she knocked on the door

"Come in." Derek replied softly

"Hi." Charlotte walks in, seeing her mom half asleep in her dad's arms, she assumed her mom nebulized and was now regaining some energy

"Hi sweetie." Meredith softly smiled, her chest burning from theatment

"I just came home." Charlotte tells them and Derek pats the bed so she removed her shoes and got in with them

"Hi honey." Derek kissed Charlotte's head, Meredith reaching out for her daughter's hand

"How was your day?" Meredith asked

"It was okay. But I'm quite tired." She chuckles. "We studied several organs and started stitching." Charlotte explains. Her dream was still to become a cardio surgeon, specialized in lungs and chronic illnesses like her mom has, she wants to be able to actually cure that disease and help her mom

"Sounds like an amazing day. It's been years since that time dad and I were in med school." Meredith laughs softly. "Now let's get up, we have to go enjoy the sun a bit longer."

The three made their way outside and met with Carolyn and Christopher

"Why don't we call Addie and Mark?" Derek suggests, everyone agreeing

"Well sweetie, why don't you ask your girlfriend over?" Meredith asks as she and Charlotte took a seat on the bench

"Thanks mom. I'll go call her." Charlotte lit up and disappeared.

"Well she looks happy." Derek chuckled and took a seat next to his wife

"I really hope I can see her getting married.." Meredith takes a deep breath

"110." Derek kissed Meredith's head, he wasn't planning on letting her go

- The End -

Thanks everyone for reading this story! I hope y'all enjoyed it! Thanks for all the support <3

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