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"Her lungs are heavily scarred. It's nothing major for now, but I want her on oxygen at all times and admitted. Now!" Teddy ordered and everyone started working, leaving Mark and Derek in silence, scared for what could happen

"I was gonna take her to ride the ferry- We were gonna see mom and dad.. And Charlie-" Derek shook his head

"Hey, Mer is still here. They'll admit her, and that will suck. But she's here. Your wife and Charlie's mom's still alive, she will have that surgery and then she'll recover and before we all even notice she'll be back." Mark tried to assure his brother, hating to see his family suffer

"I know, Mark. But I have to tell Charlie that Mer isn't coming home in the first weeks.. She'll be crushed, devastated!" Derek raised his voice. "She wasn't supposed to get this surgery before she turned 45 or 50. The earlier she gets the damn surgery, the earlier she can freaking die!" Derek started crying

"Dr Shepherd?" They were both pulled out of their thoughts when nurse Linda entered the room. "Meredith is settled in a room. She's asking for you but we sedated her so she's about to fall asleep."

Derek quickly followed Linda and entered Merdith's hospital room. She had a new gown on, another nurse was cleaning her up. She now had a nasal cannula strapped on that would give her extra oxygen, the oxygen mask close by in case the cannula wouldn't be enough

"What is she receiving?" Derek asked as he saw Meredith's IV pole with some bags that were connected to Meredith's port a cath

"Enough fluids and antibiotics." A nurse explains

"Der?" Meredith stirred, hearing his voice

"Hi my love, I am here. How are you feeling?" Derek worriedly asks

"Tired.." Meredith whimpered, her chest felt heavy and she didn't wanna talk more. "Charlie." She forced out

"I'll make sure she comes over. Just like everyone will come over once you've slept, okay? You need to regain some power." Derek kissed Meredith's forehead and his wife drifted off asleep


"Okay Charlie, we're gonna go cheer up your mom, right?" Mark walked through the halls of the hospital with his niece

"Mommy will be surprised!" Charlie nods and they finally arrived at Meredith's room

Luckily Charlie wasn't very scared. She was used to seeing her mom in the hospital or with nasal cannulas. But deep inside she knew something was different, everyone was acting so weird.

"Mommy?" She knocked on the door, seeing her dad lay down on the hospital bed next to her mom

"We'll go home now. Enjoy some time with Charlotte." Carolyn kissed Derek and Meredith's heads and left together with her husband

"Hi monkey. I missed you." Meredith opened her arms, her daughter placing the bag she brought on the ground and immediately going to hug her mom

"We got this-" Mark lifted two other bags for Derek as he had gone to their house to fix some pjs and more for Meredith so she could at least wear something comfortable

"I'll help her get changed in a bit. Seems like my girls first want some cuddle time, right?" Derek asked, trying to sound as positive and cheerful as he could be, he didn't wanna radiate his stress on anyone, especially not his girls

"Think this bean deserves a nap. Don't you, Charlie?" Mark said playfully

"Maybe." Charlotte yawned

"I'm pretty sure you need a nap." Meredith whispered, her eyes starting to droop as well

Derek watched how both Charlotte and Meredith started drifting off to sleep. He didn't wanna sleep. What if Meredith would need him?

What if she couldn't breathe or if she spat up blood?

He knew his co workers would do everything to take care of his wife but it's HIS wife


Hours later Meredith was still asleep while Derek and Charlotte were taking silly pictures. It had started by Charlie doing something funny with her hula chips and suddenly Derek got an idea

They were gonna make pictures of everyone in their family and would hang them up in Meredith's room for when she was alone or missed them

Meredith's life would be freezed while everyone else's would go on. Everyone needed to go to work, Charlotte had school and Derek would have to balance between his daughter and wife. He was glad he had taken off some time from work, but since no one can predict how long he'd be away Richard and Bailey made a deal with him. Derek would still operate as long as Meredith wasn't in crucial shape and once she had her surgery, Derek would get all the time he wanted to help Meredith

If Meredith would get that surgery

It had been a thought that's been haunting him the whole day already and he found it so hard to stay positive

"Daddy, a picture like this!" Charlotte giggled and stuck out her tongue and they kept going

"Good honey, keep going." Derek laughed for the first time since Meredith had been admitted, their daughter always pulled them through the bad stuff and they realize what they gotta fight for.

Happy valentine! Especially tho those who are also alone: have a glass or some chocolate and start the self love!

Uni starts again and  I'm not sure if I'm able to go to all my classes but we'll see hahaha. I'm already exhausted and we didn't even start yet (Actually yesterday but I skipped :p)

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