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"I miss Mommy." Charlotte said

"I know sweetheart.." Carolyn sighed. "Daddy will probably call in a bit, then you can see her." Carolyn said as she rubbed her granddaughter's back

Luckily the little girl hadn't gotten sick but they really didn't wanna take any risks.

"Der?" Meredith muttered as she woke up from her nap.

"Hey, honey." Derek kissed his wife's head

"I wanna see Charlie." Meredith said sternly and pushed herself up

"I think we best wait two more days.." Derek suggested

"No, Derek. Yesterday she cried. Come on, help me up." Meredith sternly said

"At least nebulize once more then. Please." Derek asked her

Meredith gave in and Derek got everything ready


Charlotte, look who's there!" Carolyn pointed at Meredith and Derek walking towards them

"Mommy! Mommy! I missed you!" Charlotte jumped up and ran to her mother.

"Hi monkey." Meredith kneeled down and hugged Charlotte as if they hadn't seen each other in over a year

"I won't make you sick, right?" The little girl asked

"Of course not, let's go sit on the couch, allright?" Meredith suggested even if she didn't wanna admit she was tired

"Okay mommy." The little girl nodded and grabbed her mom's hand, following her to the couch.

"How was it at nana and poppa's house?" Meredith hugged her daughter as close as she could, never wanting to let go anymore

"We played lots! But I missed you and daddy." Charlotte admits

"She was wonderful." Carolyn quickly said. "Christopher is running some errands, that way you don't have to leave the house for the next few days." Carolyn softly smiled as she was obviously worried about Meredith

"Thanks mom. We appreciate what you've done for us." Derek hugged her and then took a seat next to Meredith and Charlotte, cuddling them close in his arms

"Daddy, can I sleep with you and mommy tonight?" Charlotte asked innocent

"As long as mommy agrees." Derek nods, even if he wasn't convinced. He'd rather keep his wife safe for a few more days, to make sure she wouldn't get infected by whatever Charlotte had. But he also knew Meredith would never deny the request of their daughter to join them in bed

"Of course, lovely. I would be very glad to have you spend the night with us. We can-" Meredith started but started coughing mid sentence

"Shh, it's okay." Derek said and started rubbing her back

"We can watch a movie." Meredith finished, her head red from coughing

"Why don't you get in bed already? We can clean a bit downstairs and we'll leave when everything is finished." Carolyn suggested

Meredith nodded. The fact that she didn't protest worried Derek a little, but hoped it would just be because she needed some time with Charlotte

"Well, let's get up then." Derek helped Meredith stand up and they said their goodbyes to Carolyn and disappeared to their bedroom

"Nana said you two watched lots of movies when you were as old as me." Charlie said to her parents as she cuddled in between them

"That's very true, sweetie. Your mommy looked just like you. You got your blonde hair from her but the curls from me. So your mommy, uncle Mark, aunt Amy and I always watched lots of movies and we played video games a lot. And then nana and poppa joined us." Derek told his daughter about their shared childhood

"And then mama stayed with nana and poppa?" Charlotte asked as she obviously had been wondering about her other grandma

"Yes. My mother was very busy." Meredith nods

"So we had a lot of sleepovers. And then the girls came to wake uncle Mark and I. He was always very angry." Derek chuckled as he thought back about it, Meredith started to cough a little. "Shh, close your eyes." He kissed her forehead

"Daddy, I wanna hear more stories." Charlotte smiled as Derek started telling more while Meredith started to drift off to sleep

Sorry sorry sorry! I didn't mean to keep you guys waiting for that long but a lot has been going on and I'm tired and whatever. Exams are just over so now I have some time (hopefully)

Again, I'm really sorry and I hope you guys have some inspiration and maybe motivation for me 🤣 

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