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A few weeks later it had become clear how Meredith's lungs were declining. She had way more coughing fits and over all her stamina was worse.

Despite it all she still spends a lot of time with her family. Carolyn and Christopher were on their way to the house but she was in the middle of her morning routine

Derek walked out of the kitchen into their bedroom where he saw Meredith sitting on the bed, shivering as she felt cold

"Hey, let me grad you a sweater." He said and walked to the closet, getting her one of his sweaters and then he put it on her

"Thanks.." Meredith breathed from underneath the mask she was using to get hre breathing treatment done. She hated how loud it was and how much energy it took but on the other side she wanted to take as good care of her body as possible. "Is Charlie awake yet?" She asks

"She hasn't been up yet. Should I make waffles for my girls?" Derek suggested playfully

"You wanna do that?" Meredith smirked from underneath the mask but started coughing. She removed the mask so she could get as much air as needed

"Sorry, shh. Deep breaths, Mer. Come on." Derek rubbed her back as there wasn't much he could do except stay with her as she was awfully coughing

It took a while before Meredith finally stopped again. Her lips are even a little blue, her face red and her breathing shallow. She felt how dry her throat was but before she did something Derek was already holding the water bottle for her

"Thanks.. My head hurts a bit as well, I should take some medication.." She mutters weakly as she really didn't feel very great

"I'll grab you some meds. You wanna try and have some of the waffles with fruit?" He asked as she often didn't finish her meals, that was why she still had the feeding tube, to make sure she would gain some weight again

"Sounds good." She nods and continues. Derek handed her the meds and she took them in, staying alone in the room until her treatment was finally over. She didn't bother to put everything away as these days she would have to return and do it all over in a few hours anyway.

Meredith slowly got up and left her room, seeing Charlotte running by

"Mommy! You're awake!" The girl ran back over to hug her mom. "Daddy's making us waffles!!" She smiled widely

"I know. Daddy told me." Meredith playfully said, following her daughter to the kitchen

"Daddy, mommy is here!" Charlotte yelled

"Aah both my girls are here!" Derek smiled and walked over to kiss Meredith. "Morning love."

"Morning." Meredith smiled softly and then took a seat as Derek served the plates

Charlotte enthusiastically digged in, once she was finished she started to get ready for the day

"How's your head feeling?" Derek asked Meredith once they were alone

"Better.." She smiled as she looked into her husband's eyes. "Did I keep you up through the night? I've been quite loud." Meredith asked as she had been coughing quite a lot

"No. And even if, then I wouldn't mind." He squeezed her hand. It actually had kept him up, he had been rubbing her back the whole time in a try to ease it for her. He never wanted to admit how tiring it sometimes was to live with someone who's chronically ill but he loved her too much to even think of her as a burden. He wanted to take care of her for the rest of his life and when he started thinking about the possible lung transplant that started to get closer he was getting scared he could possibly lose her

"Hey, good thoughts only.." Meredith interrupted him from his bad thoughts, knowing her husband was terrified of what could possibly happen

"It's just.." Derek sighed, his thoughts going back to the surgery

"The transplant? I understand, Der. But we're not that far yet. And even when I get admitted it will still take a little while before they find new lungs." She held his hand tight in her own

"I know, Mer.. I went to med school, I saw cases of cardio.." Derek sighed

"I know, Derek. But stop worrying, you're my husband. Not my doctor." She pushed her finished plate away and kissed his lips

"You want another waffle?" He offered her after he kissed her again

"No, but I'll grab myself some strawberries." Meredith grabbed herself some while Derek grabbed himself another waffle with more fruit

"Wanna cuddle a bit before mom and dad arrive? I could have some private time with you." He asked her with a smirk

"Of course." Meredith laughed softly, a cough leaving her body

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