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"Daddy, we have to put them in the box!" Charlotte said as they were making Meredith's surprise

"Did you write something on each polaroid?" Derek asked

"Yes. It's all ready." Charlie smiled widely as she put all pictures in the box they had also painted

"Hmm.." Meredith stirred

"Say hi to mom, I'll hide it." Derek whispered and quickly put everything away

"Mommy!" Charlotte jumped off the chair and walked to the hospital bed her mom was laying in

"Hi monkey. How was school?" Meredith asked, a little short of breath

"Boring. We did lot's of math today." The girl scrunched up her nose

"Hmm.." Meredith nods, feeling too exhausted to have a deep conversation but feeling like she neglected her child

"Tomorrow we continue on the secret art project." Charlotte explained as they were making something for Mother's day

"Oh really? Are you enjoying it?" Derek stepped in, seeing Meredith really struggle

"Lots! It's so much fun!" Charlotte nods. "Oh right!" She jumped up and ran to her backpack, taking out a drawing

Meredith's eyes followed her daughter, wanting to keep an eye on her, wanting to give her daughter all the energy she could give

"Mommy, this is another drawing to put up here! To cheer you up!" Charlotte handed it to her mom

"Oh Charlie-" Meredith looked at the drawing, smiling but unable to hold back some grateful tears

"Don't cry mommy, daddy said you'll be home soon. And we have a sleepover the whoooooole weekend!" She enthusiastically explained

"Oh really?" Meredith chuckled

"Yep! Daddy said we can because it's the weekend!" Charlotte giggled and climbed back on the bed

Suddenly the machine started beeping.

"Der?" Meredith looked at her husband

"Mer, your oxygen is getting really low.." Derek sighed

"Hmm." She nods and closed her eyes, her body completely exhausted already

"Her sats are dropping?" Teddy frowned as she walked into the room

"Yeah and she fell asleep again." Derek said, quite worried but trying to hide it for Charlotte. He quickly paged Mark and Adisson, he wanted someone to stay with his daughter while he needed to talk to Teddy


"She.. Now?" Derek rested his head against the wall. "How much longer does she have?" He asked Teddy after the terrible news about Meredith's failing lungs

"I'm sorry Derek. We need to find the lungs in less than a week." Teddy said sadly. "I will make sure there will be a team ready every second of the day."

"I wanna tell her." Derek stated and pushed his body up

"Go, I'll push everything to the max, Derek. I'll do everything I can to get those lungs for her." She stroke his back

Derek took a deep but unsteady breath, heading back into Meredith's room

"Hey Charlie, why don't you and Mark and Addie go get us all some lunch?" He suggested, his brother immediately knew something was up

"Okay! We'll be back soon." Addison nods, noticing how tensed Derek was and the three left the room, Mark staying in the hallway as he was too worried about his sister in law, immediately calling his parents to come over, knowing Derek would need it

"Mer, can you please wake up-" Derek begged, on the edge of tears

"Hmm.." Meredith weakly stirred

"Sweetie, we need to talk-" Derek said, some tears streaming down his cheeks

"What's wrong?" Meredith asked, out of breath but noticing this was serious

Derek quickly changed the nasal cannula for the oxygen mask and kissed her forehead.

"Teddy was here. Mer, your lungs are slipping down and are starting to fail-" Derek said, breaking out in sobs

Meredith weakly wrapped her arms around her husband

"How long?" She asked, the mask still strapped over her head

"A week.." Derek whispered and climbed in bed with her, holding on tight onto her

"Did you... tell Charlie?" Meredith asked, tears streaming down her cheeks as well

"Not yet. Teddy just told me-" Derek shook his head

"We gotta tell.." Meredith whispered, feeling her eyes droop already

"We will. And you will get those lungs." Derek said sternly

Sorry! Last week had friends over from another country so I was kinda busy. I also started a new story and I'll upload it as soon as I have two chapters ready so I'm halfway!!

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