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"Damnit, Richard! We need a plane!" Derek raised his voice as he was calling

"I know, Derek. The heli should land any minute to pick you up. They have her medication on board." Richard nods

"Dr Shepherd-" Levi calls out as Meredith's lips were slightly turning blue again

It was almost noon already, she hadn't had a nebulizing treatment in almost 12 hours so her lungs felt even heavier as the mucus was stuck

"Richard, I have to go. You make sure Teddy is there when we arrive." Derek sternly said

"She's waiting for you two." Richard confirmed. "Derek.How is she?" He carefully asked

"Not good, Richard.." Derek said and hung up, lifting Meredith into his arms

"Der-" She coughed

"Shh. Here, take your inhaler." Derek tried and yelped her but her breath was barely deep enough before she started coughing again. "I promise we'll be home soon"

"Dr Shepherd? The heli is here." Someone came in to announce

"We'll grab your bags." Helm said and both she and Schmitt grabbed the bags while Derek scooped Meredith up in his arms

Meredith kept coughing as they hurried to get to the heli

"We'll be home soon. I promise." Derek kissed her forehead, tears welling up in his eyes


"They're landing!" Teddy yelled

"I hope she's okay." Richard said. "Let's get her the best care possible."

The heli landed and Derek ran out as quick as possible, still carrying his wife

"Her lips have been turning blue almost all the time. Her airway needs to be cleared!" He yelled and placed her on the gurney

"Bring her down!" Teddy instructs while Richard kept Derek from going

"Take a shower, call your parents and I'll make sure someone will update you." Richard said

"Richard, I need to stay with my wife!" Derek raised his voice

"No, you don't." Richard tried to calm Derek down. "You need to let Teddy do her job."

Derek nods and ran off to his office where he quickly got in the shower

An hour later Teddy was doing everything she could for Meredith. Meredith was doing a bit better but her lungs were badly attacked by it

"They should have let us leave the airport! I should have taken her to the hospital earlier!" Teddy could hear Derek scream from the hallway

"Der-" Meredith muttered, starting to cough right after

"He'll be here soon, Meredith." Teddy promised and started administering all sorts of medicine. Also medicines that were very expensive and were only used when CF patients had no other choice. It was meant to give the lungs a boos

"Teddy- How is she doing?" Derek asked as he walked inside

"Derek.." Teddy sighed

"Der-" Meredith whispered

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here." Derek placed a kiss on her forehead and turned to face Teddy. "How are her lungs?" He anxiously ask

"Weak. She needs to stay here so we can monitor her. I want her on oxygen at all times." Teddy said sternly

Derek nodded, expecting his wife to say no and try to convince them to let her go home anyway but he noticed she had fallen asleep already

"My parents and our daughter are on their way, can they see her? Please?" Derek asked

"Yeah but don't tire her out. And check to see if Charlotte has a fever, please." Teddy sadly smiled. "I'll make sure she'll get a nice room."

"Thanks." Derek nodded and watched Teddy leave. "I'm sorry, Mer. I'm so sorry," he climbed in next to her and held her tightly

A nurse had come to bring Meredith to a room. Derek had helped the nurse to push the bed. They had arranged a VIP room for Meredith so it was pretty big. Derek was still in scrubs but he couldn't care less

"Derek?" Christopher knocked on the door

"Dad-" Derek whispered and hugged his father. "Sorry-"

"Oh son, you should sue them."

"No. I don't wanna waste even more energy. Where are mom and Charlie?" Derek asked

"They're getting something to drink. Charlie kept asking to get tea for Meredith."

"That girl.." Derek smiled softly until he saw Meredith slowly opening her eyes. "Hey sleepyhead." He tried not to show how scared he was

"Aww-" Meredith groans

"Shh, your ribs?" Derek asked

"Uhu." Meredith nods weakly. Her ribs hurt from all the coughing

"It's okay. Dad's here. Mom and Charlie are on their way

"Mommy!" Charlotte ran in, immediately climbing up the bed as she was pretty used to see her mother

"Char-" Meredith wrapped her arm around the girl and kissed her head but started coughing almost immediately after, Derek giving her some more oxygen

"Mommy, are you sick?" Charlotte asked carefully

"Not really-" Meredith wanted to say but was out of breath, she looked at her husband, begging with her eyes so he'd take over

"Mommy's lungs are tired again. So they can't clean themselves, you know what I mean?" Derek told Charlotte

"Uhu." Charlotte nods and tightened the grip she had on her mom

"Shh sweetie." Meredith kissed Charlotte's head

Carolyn placed the coffee and tea they had gotten for Meredith and Derek on the table

"Let's sit you a little more up." Derek said and helped his wife sit up, noticing she struggled to breathe. "Better?" He quietly asked

"Hmm" Meredith nods weakly

"Let me fix your hair, sweetheart." Carolyn walked over and started placing a regular braid in her hair to prevent it from knotting

"Wanna go home.." Meredith whispered

"We know.." Derek kissed Meredith's forehead, seeing his dad reading Meredith's chart

"Meredith? I'm here for the next round of nebulizing." Teddy knocked on the door

"I'll take care of it." Derek nods and took over

"We'll give you some time, Charlie, are you coming with us?" Christopher spoke up

"She can stay-" Meredith said, dudenly out of breath again

"It's okay." Derek assured his parents. "Charlie can stay with us."

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