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Meredith was back in her room, half asleep in Derek's arms while he was letting her nebulize

The two hadn't said a word about how bad Meredith's lungs were, both of them knew the next 24 hours could be their last

"I'll ask everyone to come over in the morning." Derek tells his wife, kissing the side of her head softly

"Thank you." Meredith weakly nods, needing to take some deep breaths after talking

"Now let's lay you down, are you comfortable?" Derek asks as he removed the nebulizer and gave her back the oxygen mask, putting it on max capability

"Sit up more-" Meredith shakes her head

Derek helped her sit up even more, she was now almost completely upright but at least it helped to reduce the drowning feeling Meredkth had, as her lungs were literally drowning in her own mucus

"Now close your eyes and try to sleep a little." Derek tells her, stroking her hair as he watches her fall asleep


The entire night Derek had sat next to her, not wanting to waste his time sleeping. His wife wouldn't survive the upcoming night if she didn't get those lungs and he really didn't wanna possibly miss out on those precious hours

"Daddy!" Charlie runs inside

"Oh?" Derek turns around, he was lost at the track of time. "Hi monkey. It's good to see you." He tells her, almost starting to cry again

"Hi Derek." Carolyn and Christopher walk in and gave him both a kiss, sitting down on the couch as they sadly look at Meredith

"Can I wake up mommy?" Charlotte asks, feeling the tension in the room and old enough to understand a bit of what was going on

"Sure, go ahead." Derek nods, eagerly waiting for Meredith to open her beautiful eyes, missing her already even if she was still in front of him, but she's nothing like she's used to be

"Mommy? Wake up!" Charlotte giggles softly, hugging her mom

"Charlie-" Meredith woke up, opening her eyes to see her daughter hugging her. "Missed you." She whispers, already needing to catch her breath

"Hi Mer." Derek places a soft kiss on Meredith's forehead. "Mom and dad are here as well, the others will stop by during the day." He tells her, knowing she had asked to see everyone to say goodbye to as her hope in new lungs had now disappeared completely

"Hi." Meredith weakly smiles, unable to say much more but lifting her small and pale hand to wave at them

"We should do your treatment first, it will help a little." Derek said, still stroking her hair

"Can I help?" Charlotte asks, just wanting ti help her mom

Meredith smiled reassuringly at her daughter and watched how Derek and their daughter got everything ready

Back in the days when Charlotte was younger they often played with Meredith's old Anatomy Jane, and once Charlotte discovered the truth about her mom's lungs she claimed she wanted to become a so called 'lung doctor' so she would be able to help people like her mom and finally find a cure for the awful disease that often ruined their plans as a family

Derek instructs his daughter what she had to do while he helped Meredith into the vest

"Here you go." Derek whispers in Meredith's ear and held her in his arms as she was too weak to sit up

"Charlie's a very good doctor." Christopher spoke up in a try to cheer everyone up for at least a minute

"Very." Meredith nods but started coughing right after, the mucus finally coming somewhat lose

"Okay, easy. Here, spit it it all out. It's okay, honey." Carolyn immediately stood up to hold the bowl in front of Meredith, rubbing her arm softly

And so it went on for a while. Coughing, spitting up mucus and trying to breathe in the meds that again would lead to coughing and spitting out even more mucus

"You did amazing." Derek removes everything that involved her breathing treatment and changed her back to an oxygen mask, her hand on her chest indicating it didn't help as much as they had hoped for

"Meredith?!" Teddy runs inside the room with a big smile on her face. "We got a pair of lungs, they're on their way. They'll be here in two hours, we'll start prepping you."

"Oh my-" Derek gasps and hugs his wife, breaking out in sobs, the whole family joining

"Mommy gets new lungs?" Charlotte asks her father

"Yes, mommy will have surgery and then hopefully soon mommy can come home again." He explains, hugging his daughter tightly

"See-" Meredith chuckles weakly. "Mark 'nd Addie-" She mutters

"I'll page them." Derek smiles and kissed her again, his parents unable to keep it dry either

She'd get a new pair of lungs

Told ya i'm not a horrible person :p

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