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"Mom? Is Meredith in the hospital again?" Derek asks as he and Mark got in Carolyn's car

"Yes.. Your dad called earlier, we'll go see her if you guys want?" Carolyn suggests, knowing the boys are very close with Meredith

"Yes!" They both nod, very concerned about their best friend

"Let's go!" Carolyn smiles and drives off to the hospital. The two boys are silent in the back, something Carolyn isn't used to. Usually the boys always find something to talk about but the news about Meredith clearly affects them

"Are we here?" Mark asks impatiently

"Yes, Mark. Let's get out." Carolyn steps out with the boys, together they make their way over to Christopher's office, wanting to talk to him before they go see Meredith

"Dad!" Derek runs up to Christopher as soon as he spots him

"Hi son. How are you?" Christopher asks

"Fine, how's Mer? Can we see her?" He immediately asks, clearly no patience

"A nurse is currently helping her to breathe, so we can go in five minutes when they are done. She needs a mask, just to make sure her lungs aren't suffering too much." Christopher explained

"What if they would suffer too much?" Mark asks curiously

"Then she would need a machine that takes over from her lungs, but then Meredith would be asleep." Christopher explained, not wanting to explain the real cruelty of a vent, especially since there's always a risk someone wouldn't come off it.

"Oh... that doesn't sound fun.." Derek frowns

"No, not really." Christopher shakes his head and sees the nurse leaving Meredith's room. "Okay guys, we can go see Meredith." He announces, the kids following happily

"Mer?" Carolyn peaks in first, not wanting to overwhelm her

Meredith looked terrible, the little girl looked even smaller in the big hospital bed, several blankets covering her, her skin pale and the mask strapped over her face

"Carolyn-" She weakly smiles

"Look who I brought, you got some visitors." Carolyn opens the door and the boys walk inside

"Mer!" They both smile and climb up the chairs next to her bed

"Hi-" Meredith weakly smiles and starts coughing a bit, Carolyn walks over to her as well

"We missed you! How are you?" Derek asks, really worried about his best friend

Meredith shrugs her shoulders, clearly struggling to get enough oxygen

"Well boys, why don't we watch a movie? You two can lay down with Meredith but only if that's okay for her?" Carolyn suggests, Meredith smiling in response

"We can watch 100 dalmatians!" Derek smiles. "That's Mer's favorite!"

Meredith nods her head weakly, reaching out for Derek's hand

"Okay guys." Carolyn smiles and gives in, really proud of how her boys have gotten so caring of the little girl

(End of flashback)

"Dr Grey? I'm here with another bag of IV fluids and antibiotics." A nurse knocks on the door

Meredith nods her head, really not in the mood to speak up, she knows her husband will help out if needed

The nurse changes Meredith's IV and then leaves

"Are you feeling okay?" Derek asks his wife, receiving a small nod in return. "Really okay?" He frowns, noticing she avoids talking lately

"Weak..." Meredith whispers

"Well close your eyes, you really need some rest. Mom and dad are bringing over Charlotte in a while." Derek tells his wife

"You too." Meredith weakly grabs his shirt in her frail hand

"I will, I'll lay with you." Derek promises her. He climbs in next to her and wraps his strong arms around her small and shivering body

But Derek is unable to fall asleep, thoughts are racing through his head, his anxiety to lose his wife only keeps rising

"Derek?" Carolyn enters the room, he has no idea how much time passed by

"Mom-" Derek breaths, not sitting up but hugging his wife instead

"Your dad and Charlie are just stopping by at Addison's office. How is she?" Carolyn asks her son, walking over to check Meredith's vitals

"She finds it a lot harder to breathe.. I'm scared, mom.. they still haven't found lungs.." Derek whimpers, unable to let go of Meredith

"I know, Der, but it's not over yet." Carolyn tells her son, although she knows Meredith barely has a few days left

Right when Carolyn starts comforting her son they heard Meredith stir, but she immediately starts coughing

"Shh, deep breaths. I'll help you sit up." Derek lifts her, her back against his chest, making sure to keep her head up to she could start spit out the mucus

Meredith reaches for Carolyn's hand in fear. "Mom-" She struggles, her coughing taking over

Carolyn wants to help but as a nurse she knows there is barely anything to do.

"Shh, sweetheart. Just slow breaths." Carolyn tells Meredith while trying to do one of the many exercises that should help Meredith in this situation but overall feeling useless, she just wants Meredith to be able to breathe

"What's happening?!" Teddy runs inside the room and sees Meredith's lips turning blue

"She woke up and started coughing." Derek quickly tells Teddy

Teddy quickly grabs the vest, to shake Meredith's torso in a try to get the mucus lose from her lungs

"Okay, it's slowly getting better." Derek spoke up, even if it was barely the truth

"Okay, take her up for scans. I wanna see them from the inside." Teddy instructs

Derek and Carolyn refused to waste time, Carolyn and Teddy start pushing Meredith's bed to CT while Derek holds his wife up

"Okay, transfer her onto the scan, we need to hurry." Teddy instructs

Derek quickly strips off the jacket but keep standing next to the machine, adjusting his wife's oxygen as he hears her wheezing the second they laid her down

"Okay, here we go." Teddy instructs from the tech room, Carolyn next to her

"And?" Derek worriedly asks, helping Meredith sit up again and putting the vest on

"I'm going to find Bailey, we need those lungs now." Teddy said through the intercom, Carolyn's facial expressions revealing how bad it was

SOOOOO what do you think?

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