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"I knew it was a bad idea," Harry rasped apologetically, "I'm so sorry, Izzy."

"It's fine. It's not your fault is it?"

The truth was, it really wasn't his fault, but I was still hurt by it and I wasn't entirely sure how to process any of this- especially as I was in a place that didn't seem familiar to me.

"Let's just forget about it, and leave it alone." Harry said, "We have this weekend up here with my family, please don't let it get to you baby." he added, trying his best to sound and be helpful.

"I'm not." I argued, almost tearfully, "I just... how can they say I was all over you and wanted to be the centre of attention like that? I wasn't. I was just trying to be nice to them Harry-"

"Izzy, I know." He sighed, his hands now suddenly cupping at my face; "I know you were babe, but... as much as this pains me to say it, this is it. It's not easy, but you'll soon gain thick skin when it comes to all of this I promise."

I felt something snap inside of me, almost instantly.

"I shouldn't have to have thick skin, Harry!" I crumbled, "I shouldn't be taken advantage of like that! I was just trying to do something nice and to try and change their perception of me-"

I was full on crying now, which I hated because I didn't want Anne or anyone else hearing me be so upset.

"Izzy, baby, listen to me." Harry sighed, "You don't need to do anything... take it from someone who used to be obsessed with finding out why people hated me."

I looked at him, utterly confused.

"What do you mean?" I cried, "How can anyone hate you?!"

"Baby, you'd be surprised." Harry smiled softly, "Look... nothing I say will ever make this easier, but I'm going to try. Okay?"

I nodded, sniffing and wiping my face.

This was so embarrassing.

"They're my fans, and I mean this in no disrespect to you, but to some of them... nobody will ever be good enough for me in their eyes. Not even you." Harry said softly, "But, you'll come across some of the genuine fans, but you'll also come across the nastier ones. It's horrible, but you just... sort of get used to it."

It was bothering me that Harry had gotten remotely used to this feeling.

"I just can't believe they twisted it like that." I whispered sadly, feeling his lips kiss my forehead softly; "How can they do that, Harry? How can they lie like that?"

"I know, baby. I know." He whispered tentatively, "But let's not let it ruin this weekend alright? Let this be a lesson, for us both. I don't want you to be like... scared of future run ins with the fans, but just be a little more wary of them, alright?"

"Okay." I sighed, hearing my phone bleep again with yet more notifications from Twitter; "Christ, does it ever stop?!"

"Turn your phone off." Harry said simply, "It'll make you feel better Izzy."

"I can't, Phoebs will kill me if I do that." I muttered, "That reminds me, I didn't text her to say that we arrived here safely." I added, noticing yet another tweet that I had been tagged in.

"Turn Twitter off then. Disable it or turn your notifications off on the app." Harry replied, "Anything, just for you to have a bit of peace. Please don't let it get to you. I love you."

"I love you too." I murmured, as curiosity got the better of me on my phone.

I clicked on the Twitter handle that had tweeted me.

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