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I picked at my food, not really having an appetite this afternoon.

I was sat at the staff room table in work, on my break and staring at my plate aimlessly, wondering what everyone else was up too in Sweden, while I was sat here with a face on.

I hadn't minded so much when Phoebe was actually here because we were going through it together, but now that she too had gone and taken time off work to join Liam in Europe, I had never felt more alone.

Still, I tried to keep myself busy with work and took on baby Isabelle whenever I could in a hope that I wouldn't constantly think of Harry and everyone else; plus, my sessions with Rachel were getting better and better by the week and even though I felt it at times when I was missing him, I was proud of myself for making my well-being a priority.

We still had so much to work on still, but things were definitely much better than what they were like before.

If I was being completely honest with myself, I wasn't keeping up to date on the boys' travels because I tried not to let it consume me- but it was hard not to take a look at Harry's schedule (that's where the One Direction website came in handy with the tour dates or one of the update accounts I was following on Twitter) as my curiosity was burning.

But after a red hot texting session with Harry this morning, he slipped it into conversation that they had arrived early hours this morning in Sweden.

Sweden... forever the home ABBA, and one of my favourite countries in the world for their richness and history of music.

The country has a prominent choral music tradition, deriving in part from the cultural importance of Swedish folk songs.

In fact, out of a population of 9.5 million, it is estimated that five to six hundred thousand people sing in choirs.

Well known fact, that.

Also, Sweden is actually the third-largest music exporter in the world and surpassed only by the US and the UK and according to one source, Sweden produces the most chart hits per capita in the world, followed also by the UK and the USA.

Sweden itself has also become known for a large number of heavy metal bands and the renowned neo-classical power metal guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen is also from there... not forgetting the genius that was Denniz Pop (and his disciple Max Martin) who were responsible for Britney Spears' breakthrough songs, re-shaping the whole boy-band boom at the turn of the millennium with global hits for groups like the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync.

Max has also written and produced major hits for artists such as Kelly Clarkson, Pink and Katy Perry but to name a few.

So it was pretty safe to say that I loved the history and musicality of the country, and I was incredibly jealous of everyone there right now.

Harry had indeed called me this morning after the whole nightmare of last night and after the initial process of endless apologies, we quickly fell into our normal routine of teasing one another playfully- hence the red hot texting session that soon followed before I had to leave for work.

"I just want to lay in bed with you in our underwear and make out and watch movies and fuck like three or ten times. xxx" - still being my favourite one that Harry had sent to me.

I was happy that we had managed to sort things out, but his attitude towards Alex still unnerved me a little and I wasn't entirely too sure what to think about that.

But, I chose to let it go over my head and move on.

Switching my stare from my plate to my phone, I opened up my Instagram app and saw that I had been tagged in a photo by Phoebe.

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