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"To us." Harry announced, raising his glass in the air.

I smiled, following his lead.

"To us."

"On a count to three, you have to down it Izzy, or this isn't going to work-"

"I can smell the hangover already." I muttered.

"One..." Harry counted, sniggering into his clenched hand.

He was such a playful drunk, he was adorable.

"Two..." I said, before we locked our eyes on each other.

"Three!" we both shouted, swallowing and knocking back as much of the cocktail we could muster.

Harry gagged, turning his back on me as he began coughing into his fist, hiding the fact that he was now also retching.

"That was... urgh, my throat is fucking burning. That was disgusting, Harry!" I whined, "Who taught you that one?"

"Louis did." he finally answered, a sly smirk spread across his face; "Won't be doing that one again. You good?"

I nodded, "I'm good... but I liked the sex on the beach cocktail you made me before... that was nice. You learned that in Thailand didn't you?"

"I did..." Harry confirmed, "Wanna try?"

"What the drink or actual sex on the beach? Not sure if you've lost your memory baby, but we've already done the two." I grinned at him, lifting myself up onto the counter of the kitchen.

We had gone out for dinner, as Harry had planned, but things had gotten so tiring, we decided to head back to the hut for a early night- which was almost three hours ago now- then Harry decided to make us a drink and one drink turned into... God knows how many.

But in our drunken state, we decided to try and make some cocktails together... which was funny because he had seen me drunk while sober, and I had seen him drunk while sober- but we had never been drunk together.

So this was going to be very interesting.

"You always look fucking hot in my shirt." Harry said, suddenly droning me out of my thoughts with his voice.

I smiled, kicking my leg up to cross it over the other one.

Since being in this hut alone, I hadn't bothered to get dressed unless we were going out, and at night, it was so warm anyway I happily paraded around in my silk dressing gown (because it was cool) but I also liked to wear Harry's shirts.

Currently, the one I had rather grown attached too was this blue Hawaiian one which he had worn today at dinner.

"It smells of you," I responded, taking a small sip of the wine we had picked up earlier; "So now I smell of you."

Turning the flirtation up a notch, I was absolutely positive that it was down to the alcohol and how we were both on cloud nine being together in our little bubble.

"Always good to know." Harry replied, with a slight lick on his lower lip; "Y'know, I still haven't forgotten what you promised me."

"What's that?" I asked, putting the wine glass down beside me on the unit.

"I never forget anything. Even drunk." he said slowly, nearing me carefully as he gently pulled my legs apart and stood in-between them; "Do you remember what you promised me, pretty girl?" he asked, his eyes firmly staring at my mouth.

I knew exactly what he was referring too, but I wanted him to ask me for it- literally.

"You haven't called me that since the early days..." I giggled quietly, the insane rush of adrenaline licking through my veins.

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