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Thailand, had been absolutely amazing to say the least.

There weren't enough words in the English language to describe how the last two weeks had been with Harry and of course, Niall, Sam, Louis, Danielle, Liam and Phoebe.

In retrospect, even though they had been on a massive tour and spent two weeks of their time off together, I knew the boys were each looking forward to going off and doing their own thing during the remainder of their time off this month.

Louis and Danielle mentioned something about going to LA (and I knew from Harry that he was finalising the details of his custody battle with Briana over Freddie), Niall and Sam were heading off to Ireland for the two weeks to visit his family and friends, while Liam and Phoebe were packing up and getting ready to move to London, while also making more preparations for baby Payne.

So utterly surreal, and I still had to plan the bloody baby shower (which Sam and Danielle kindly offered to help me with) and that brought me to right here, right now, sitting at my Gran's house.

I was perched on the settee, Harry sat beside me with his legs wide open and a cup of half drunk tea balancing on his thigh.

Leaving Thailand and cherishing the many memories I had made there, Harry and I decided to stay in London for a couple of days just to get our heads together with the jet lag before announcing our news to my gran.

It was strange at first, knowing that his house was now going to be my new home, but I soon settled after a full day of catching up on my sleep.

We spent those first couple of days together eating in, drinking wine to toast to our future together, looking at the campus that I was going to be studying at and of course, doing what we liked doing best, being together in a way that was so intimate it took my breath away... and then it was crunch time.

I knew I had to break the news to my Gran, and to say I was nervous was the understatement of the century.

"How was your little holiday away then, sweetheart? I haven't seen you since you left your job for Sweden, I was starting to forget what you bloody looked like." she retorted, and even though Harry was smirking I found that her comment made me feel even more guilty.

She was hardly ever going to see me now.

"Although Doris from the weekly bingo hall, her grandson was rather lovely. When he picked us up the other day, he showed me some of those pictures you posted onto that site of yours... is that safe? I dread to think of all those disgusting perverts ogling your body, Isabelle."

Again, Harry snickered, just as I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Oh don't be embarrassed darling, you have a gorgeous body, if I was your age I'd show it off too."

Dear God.

"I just worry with the way this generation is sometimes with the internet... it's scary. More tea, Harold?"

"I'm fine, thank you Gwen. And I completely agree about her body by the way." he cheekily added, my elbow digging into his side quickly.

"You maybe dating my granddaughter Harold, but that won't stop me from hitting that pretty head of yours with my stick. Keep comments like that to yourself." she said, narrowing her eyes playfully as Harry laughed at her.

Honestly, the bond these two shared already was incredible.

"I know you're like, all grown up now, but I'll always worry about you Isabelle, you know that." she said softly, the sincerity in her voice cutting through me.

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