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"Hi... it's me... I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry Harry... and I know you don't want to hear this right now, and I know the last thing you want is to hear this over the phone, but I'm... hurting and I miss you, and I'm sorry for hurting you... I never meant too... it's not an excuse but I just panicked and my head just got the better of me again, and I'm deeply sorry for what I've done to you... I never wanted... God, please can you just call me? Please? I'm going out of my mind and I know you won't forgive me, but please can you just talk to me? I know I don't deserve it, but this is killing me... I'm sorry Harry, I'm really, really fucking sorry."

"I'm guessing that you got my voicemail...? I'm trying Harry, I'm trying to reach out and fix this between us, I know this is literally calling the pot kettle black, but please don't push me away... I know that I've hurt you in the worst possible way and I know deep down if this was the other way around, I would be the same, hell I WAS the same but I spoke to you the same night. Please just give me that chance to redeem myself like I did for you... I wish I could take it all back, but I can't. Please just call or text me... what I did was wrong and I hate myself for what I did to you. Please Harry. Please."

"Hi... me again. I'm sorry. I know you must be sick of my voice by now, but I know if this was the other way around you would be relentless too... by now I'd probably have a house full of flowers and God knows what else. I'm just... worried about you. You're not answering any of my calls or texts, or anyone else's and I know I fucked up massively... and as much as this hurts me to say, if you don't want to talk to me could you please just text one of the boys instead... so at least I know you're okay? Your silence is punishing me, and it's nothing more than I deserve... but it's truly treacherous and it's torturing me to no end not knowing where the hell you are or how you're doing... please, just do that one thing for me. That's all I ask. I love you... so much."

"Me again... sorry. Just wanted to thank you for texting Niall. You put my mind at rest for a little bit. I really hope you're okay, he didn't say much, just that you're fine... and that was pretty much it... I miss you Harry. I miss hearing your voice, I miss seeing your face, I miss how you make me laugh, I miss the way you hold me... I'm trying to give you your space, but this is so incredibly hard for me... and that's pretty fucking selfish I know, but I just want you to know I'm really sorry and I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, if you'd let me."

"It's been two days... two whole freaking days since you walked away from me. I deserved that, but this... I'm sorry, okay? I don't know how many times I have to say it. Fuck, I can't stop crying and I don't know what's wrong with me lately... I just... I keep fucking things up and I hate myself for hurting you. Please pick up Harry, just pick up and let me hear your voice... please? I know we can get past this, we can get through this... what I did was wrong, truly horrible, and it cuts me deep inside knowing that I've hurt you in such a brutal way... I'll never forget the look on your face... I'm not worthy of you, I don't deserve you. You deserve someone who can love you and treat you the way that you deserve to be treated... not some messed up, hormonal bitch who can't control herself lately... I'm just so sorry. I love you, you believe me right? I really, really do love you... I'm not making much sense I know, and I hate that I'm talking to your damn voicemail again and not you. I miss you, Harry. Please call me. Or text. I love you."

"I love you so fucking much. I'm not giving up Harry, as much as everyone is telling me too. Phoebs is threatening to take my phone away because I'm attached to it 24/7 and Louis is just threatening to get me pissed so I forget about you... but I can't forget about you. You're all that I think about. I live, sleep, breathe, eat and drink you... I'm not giving up on us Harry. Not until you physically tell me that we're over and done with. I'll keep fighting. I love you, so much."

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