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I woke up almost blissfully, stretching on my side as the cold fabric of the silk sheet slipped from my body.

Seeing as I didn't have the greatest sleep in the world last night (note: being drunk, having sex and sleeping on a beach whilst my friends were searching for me wasn't the greatest of ideas- but I was stupidly happy regardless) I decided to back out of the trip that the boys had set up for us and nap instead.

Cutting the bullshit, I basically wanted to catch up with Harry- not necessarily meaning sex, because just being with him and doing absolutely nothing was enough for me.

So while everyone went out onto their trip for the afternoon, Harry and I opted out and stayed at the hotel huts on the beach, catching up, eating and drinking ourselves stupid... and maybe there was a session filled in somewhere in-between where we didn't leave the bed for an hour, but I genuinely just wanted to hang out and do nothing with my favourite person in the world.

I knew I'd be messing up my pattern by going to sleep, but fuck it.

I was on holiday- I could sleep when I bloody wanted too.

The bedroom was relatively quiet and peaceful, and I made the assumption that nobody was back yet.

Immediately, I felt the coldness from another part of the sheet pull past my body, reacting to my nipple as I stretched, which reminded me that I was in fact still naked from our tryst earlier on... and it felt really nice, even if it was a little cold.

I'm blaming that on the hangover.

Remembering our afternoon lockdown that took place shortly before, I smiled to myself and flipped myself over, gazing over my shoulder and feeling a little disheartened that Harry wasn't beside me.

Knowing that he couldn't be far, I smiled at the way the afternoon sun was now slowly beginning to go down, the light still peaking through the hut and perking up the gloomiest corners of my surroundings.

Laying back onto the bed with a loud huff, I chewed on my lip as my mind became obliterated with everything that had happened the last couple of days.

I had gone from feeling the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highs, and all of that was down to Harry... from being separated and then reunited, to how he made love to me on the beach last night and then spending the day with me today, I loved the way he was with me.

I was definitely better with him.

I meant what I had previously said, that I had struck gold by taking a gamble on him and now as I lay here, wrapped up in his scent pressed in the sheets, I couldn't help but think how caring, attentive, loving, perfect and incredibly Harry was... and how lucky I was to be given a second chance.

We were both given a second chance.

Thinking about last night and earlier on, I stretched a little again and felt the soft silkiness of the Thai sheet drape down a little further on my body, exposing my breasts to the humid air.

Honestly, if I could get away with walking around here naked, I would- it was a little humid at the best of times.

I thought about everything that had happened between Harry and I again, remembering the relief I felt when he came back to me, the euphoria I felt when he asked me to kiss him and the intense wave of pleasure that followed after he made love to me so gently last night I thought I was going to pass out.

Slowly, all I could think about was how much I wanted him right now, to have him moaning my name as we made each other come repeatedly.

I considered yelling for him, calling for him to come back to me, but I figured he was doing exactly what I was doing right now- getting his head around everything that had happened and taking time out.

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