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As much as I wanted and needed Harry in my hour of need, right now all I wanted to do was to be let into Phoebe's cubicle (wherever the fuck she was) and be with her, leaving Harry with Liam.

It sounded selfish, but I just couldn't cope with the way Liam was crying as his raw emotions were cutting through me by the second.

I just needed and wanted to be with my best friend... call me a coward, but I just couldn't handle seeing Liam in this state for much longer.

His parents returned not long after Harry and I had arrived, and had gotten everybody a coffee or a tea to try and pass the time.

I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Liam's parents yet, but just being sat here in the waiting room with them was awkward enough... especially as they had no idea about Phoebe's pregnancy until now.

His father wasn't saying much and his mother was constantly in tears, often breaking down every couple of minutes the longer time went on.

I continued to stare at my hands, whilst I sat on the edge of my seat, fiddling with my nail beds when I suddenly felt a slight bounce beside me.

"You okay baby?" Harry questioned, as I slowly nodded.

I didn't want to cause a fight with him because of how agitated I was feeling, especially because he was being so nice and supportive about the entire situation, but I couldn't for the life of me get Phoebe out of my head.

All I wanted was her, and I was itching to get to her.

"Come here," he whispered tentatively, "Come and lay down by me."

I wanted to resist at first, but I couldn't deny having his arms around me when all I wanted was a cuddle and to be held anyway.

Giving in, I allowed him to pull me towards him, and I fell against his lap, my body curling and fitting into his rather perfectly, my feet raising to lay on the second chair beside me.

When we had left Holmes Chapel, we didn't really think about the consequences of press intrusions at the time.

We didn't think or even care at that point, but I couldn't help but think that if we were spotted leaving a hospital together, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what would happen next.

I could see the newspaper headline now and it made me flinch just thinking about it.

How could these people make up such stories anyway?

How do they sleep at night?

The walls on the hospital were peeling I had noticed, from being laid out on his lap and right above me, Harry was playing on his phone and seemed to be completely cool, whereas I could barely stop fidgeting.

I snaked my arm around his, knocking him out of his concentration for a while as I rested my head against his stomach, sighing contently.

"If I haven't already said it," I murmured, "Thank you for today."

Harry looked down, looking somewhat surprised.

"You don't need to thank me, Izzy." he whispered, and I smiled, just as he welcomed my embrace; "Babe?" he added, his phone clicking shut.

He instantly looked down at me, just as I had looked up to him.


"Do you want to go home? I mean, Wales?"

"No," I answered firmly, "I'm staying here-"

"Okay." Harry murmured, "Just... wanted to check."

"I want to stay here, I need to stay here Harry. If you want to go, you can go."

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