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"Are you warm enough?"

Harry's voice came out of nowhere, suddenly interrupting my train of thoughts.

I nodded, pushing my feet further into the sand and flexing my toes as he poked the fire with a large stick.

We were currently sat on the other end of the beach, away from everyone else, huddled under the canopy that he had simply created for our little hideout.

I was under the impression that nobody knew that Harry was here yet, but I didn't mind that as he clearly wanted to take that walk with me and bring me here, away from everyone else.

I was just glad that he was here and with me.

"Here, take my jacket." He offered, and I immediately shook my head; "Izzy, you're cold because your blood is thinning due to your alcohol intake. Take the jacket, please?"

I relented the second I felt his fingertips skim across my skin as he pulled his jacket over me, the feel of the small fire he had created crackling before us loudly.

It wasn't that cold because we were in one of the hottest countries on Earth, however, he was right- I was cold because of the amount of alcohol I had drank.

"Thank you." I whispered, my heart full of different emotion as I really took him in this time.

He looked, so amazing, so beautifully handsome that it made my entire body quake.

He was wearing a loose fitted shirt, obviously unbuttoned, that revealed his toned, inked chest.

I wasn't quite sure if it was my drowsiness of the alcohol or because it was night time, but I think he was also wearing matching loose shorts complete with his own pair of flip flops.

It made a difference to seeing him in skinny jeans and boots all the time, anyway.

Oh, and his hair was down.


I wasn't sure of the time, but it had to be just past midnight surely?

My mind was whirring with endless thoughts and questions that needed answering, even though we had briefly spoken about everything on our walk here.

We still had so much to get through and discuss though, but I was just really, really nervous to do it.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," I blurted suddenly, watching the way he paused and stopped fiddling with the fire; "I'm a horrible, shitty girlfriend and if I could take it all back Harry, I would in a heartbeat-"

"Iz-" he spoke softly, yet I interrupted him.

"I just can't believe that you're here, after all this time-"

I wasn't sure if it was the wine talking or if I was really overwhelmed with everything I was feeling, but I just couldn't seem to shut myself up.

"-I know it's only been four days, but they've been the worst four days of my life. I messed up so bad, and I thought we were done... I thought we were over." I croaked tearfully.

Harry said nothing, his gaze firmly fixed on the fire to stop it from overflowing with flames.

Fear gripped me, before I found my voice again.

"Where were you? Where did you go?" I asked firstly, unable to ask him if we were indeed finished- because I couldn't for the life of me comprehend what that would do to me.

I had gambled everything to be with him, and even though he had been the best gamble I had taken in my life, I had ruined it all.

Ruined us.

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