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I held the phone away from my ear, wincing at the language pouring out of Phoebe's mouth.

"Does this make you fucking happy now? You absolute cunts! Yeah, print that out because I don't give a fuck and you won't silence me you piece of shit-"

"Phoebs, it's me!"

"Iz?" she hiccupped, sounding utterly surprised to hear my voice on the other end.

"Yeah, who the fuck did you think it was?"

Completely knocking me off guard, she began wailing loudly, her sobs running down the end of the line and into my eardrum.

"I've been having phone calls all day!" she cried, "Funny phone calls, text messages, my twitter's been red hot and I've changed my number more times than I can count since the article was published, so I haven't saved your number yet-"


"Where's Liam?" I asked, after Harry had managed to get hold of her new number from him after I couldn't get through on her old one.

"On the phone to Carol." she blubbed, "He's going mental... I've never seen him like this before, and I'm so stressed out, this is not good for either of us or the baby... but those fucking mentalists keep coming... they're like a mob, honest to god Iz." she cried, "I know Liam loves them because they're fans, but if this carries on-"

"Hey now, wait a second, whoa whoa whoa- think about what you're saying for a second here. You don't mean that, you're just upset-"

"Those little bastards have been sending me vile, vicious messages Izzy, it's messing with my head and-"

She was literally breaking her heart, and all I wanted was to just wrap my arms around her and protect her from this bullshit.

"Phoebs, please don't cry- I know it's hard, but please think about the baby... just delete all your apps that they have access to, and turn your bloody phone off if you have too-"

"Still doesn't erase what they said to me though Iz, I mean, that shit will be engrained inside my head forever. I can understand them being jealous, I really can because hell- when I was a fan, I was jealous... but in a healthy way. If Liam was with someone else, I would never dream of sending his future wife abuse and wishing their death upon their unborn child-"

My stomach curdled, literally.


"- I mean, I know you've gotten some hell too, and I honestly don't know how you've dealt with that, but to wish death on my baby? A sweet, innocent baby that I nearly lost? How sick are these people?" she sobbed, "How can they be so mean?"

My heart literally clenched, and I forced myself to swallow back my tears because I had to be strong for her.

"Phoebs, listen to me." I said slowly, "I know this may not be helpful right now, but you need to remember that some of these fans are just clueless, hormonal girls... I'd even go as far as saying they were just bloody kids-"

"It still doesn't give them the right to speak to people like that though, Iz- I mean, where are their parents? Why aren't they supervising them?"

"I know it doesn't, and I don't know..." I whispered guiltily, "But... just remember that they're at very sensitive ages and they believe that they are going to end up with the boys. It's hard, but it's just the way it is... it's the brand that has been sold to them, we both know how boybands work Phoebs... I mean, I wanted to marry Nick Carter for Christ's sake but I have to settle for Harry instead."

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