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I had spent a good hour or so roughly staring at Harry while he slept beside me peacefully.

I had woken up relatively early this morning, and although I felt comfortable and warm being snuggled up so close to him, I couldn't quite help myself by staring at him.

He was truly a magnificent masterpiece, so beautifully crafted and created, inside and out.

Everything from his hands, to his chest, his neck, his jawline, his little ears, his beautiful eyes, those perfect lips, his eyebrows... every arch and crease on his body, his legs, God even his feet, his mind and of course, his heart.

I loved every single inch of him.

Harry woke up not long after me, and after some quiet, light kisses, gentle touches and soft caresses to one another, we quietly made love once again in his bed, sweet whispers of our love echoing between us.

Honestly, I was so happy it was astonishing and I wanted nothing more than for life to be like this forever.

Deciding to take a shower first, Harry left me in his bedroom and I began clearing up the mess from last night.

There was shit everywhere, stuff like my make up, my clothes and pieces of Harry's clothing chucked all over his room as we had both gotten ready for last night for Des and Jo's engagement dinner party.

I smiled to myself, remembering how much I enjoyed being around them all and how Harry's family (all of them, including Gemma) had seemed to have fully put Dan's article behind them and had now accepted me for what they saw, not for what they thought of me.

After cleaning up (and Harry still being in the shower) I decided to pull on some leggings and a hoody of his, so I could go downstairs for some breakfast.

For a Sunday morning, it was relatively quite quiet, and I wondered if Anne and Robin were still asleep.

By the time I reached downstairs, I couldn't help but giggle as I caught Anne laying on the settee with a designated sick bowl beside her.

Somebody had a lot of fun last night.

Trying to be as quiet as I could, I shut the patio doors so I wouldn't disturb her, and then set out to make myself some breakfast in the kitchen.

Since arriving here on Friday, I had been told excessively and repeatedly by both Anne and Robin, to just help myself to anything that I wanted or needed, and that nothing was too much of a bother.

So while Harry was still in the shower, I decided to make some pancakes and a pot of tea to wash it all down with.

Sitting by the breakfast table, I emerged myself in eating quietly, enjoying the peace and quiet with a hot mug of tea while reading that morning's paper.

My guess was that Anne and Robin had them delivered or something, cos it was definitely today's date.

It was then that I remembered that I hadn't heard from Phoebe since I had called her sobbing about Gemma and her wine pushing tactics, and I wondered if she and Liam had broken the news to his parents regarding the pregnancy yet.

"Morning, love."

I paused, putting my phone back down on the breakfast bar, seeing Anne close the door behind herself.

"Good god I am never drinking again, I swear." She yawned, pulling her hair up to the top of her head; "Oh you've made a pot, you're an absolute diamond."

I smiled appreciatively at her, munching on a mouthful of pancake and syrup.

"We all say that, it never happens though." I responded, to which Anne smiled and nodded back.

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