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"You know, if I haven't said it already, you look absolutely beautiful tonight..."

I smiled, sucking in my upper lip as I brought my wine glass to my mouth.

I watched Harry attentively, feeling the way he linked his fingers around mine, leaning into me slowly.

The night seemed to go on forever, and I didn't ever want it to end.

"Thank you." I whispered, "Your beer goggles are definitely working."

My comment earned me a swift swat on the thigh, which made me giggle.

"You seem a lot happier, Izzy."

"I feel happier." I commented, "Like I've had a new lease of life."

"Good." Harry smiled, "I really am so proud of you."

We hadn't done much tonight other than eat and drink, the two of us simply just hanging out downstairs.

Harry was completely relaxed being at home, while I just simply hung around in my underwear and his shirt, making myself feel utterly at home.

There was nothing else to it, we simply just stayed together... no TV, no movie, no phones, no interruptions.

Just us.

We spent our evening wrapped up in one another, feeding each other the food that we had ordered (he still wouldn't let me pay half) and we just talked, huddled up on this massive couch thing that he had in one of his rooms.

"How was your conversation with Phoebe?"

"Good." I nodded, as he gently forced me to move down, making me sit in-between his legs and lay back on his chest, "Short, but good."

"Yeah?" he asked, placing a soft chaste kiss on my neck; "Is she proud of you just as much as I am?"

"I'd say prouder." I teased him, watching his fingers slowly work at unbuttoning his shirt that I was wearing.

"Oh really?" he grinned, "I highly doubt that."

"Would you like to put that to the test?"

"I would. Very much." he whispered, "But first... do you want too?"

I knew Harry was desperate for us to try again, wanting to make a point that it was okay for me to have an off day if I didn't orgasm.

The urge to be with him superseded everything else in that moment, and I couldn't help but nod back to him, turning slightly on my side to kiss him.

"I've missed you."

"I'm right here." he answered, "Going absolutely nowhere."

"I'm sorry about last night-" I said quietly, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Don't be." he breathed, his arm now holding me tight; "You have nothing to be sorry for. It doesn't matter... I didn't feel inadequate, if that's what you're thinking. I know you were, are, under some incredible stress. It's bound to affect you."

"I just felt like an idiot."

"Why? Because you didn't come?"

I felt my cheeks flush, to which he chuckled lightly.

"It's fine." Harry reassured me, "It happens. You'll get past it, eventually."

"I guess I just don't want... me, this, to affect what we have... that connection is so strong and-"

"We really do have amazing sex."

"Harry." I sighed, "I'm trying to be serious here..."

"I'm being totally serious too." He said, "Izzy?"

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