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Anna's POV
"That's a great dress, I like it." I said and she looked at me.

She mocked my words before pushing me out of the way as I laughed. I bought the dress for her as we left the store.

Suddenly we made a switch. I was with my Tommy and Allison was now with my mother.

They wanted some time to get to know each other and then we would meet at the food court. I already had Allison's gift ready I just needed something to top it off.

"What should I get Allie?" I mumbled as I looked around the stores.

"Why don't you get her this." Tommy showing a scarf that was colored black and grey with white specks in between.

"Yeah okay... ooh and this sweatshirt will do." I said grabbing one in her size.

"You really love going off board on gifts don't you." He said and I rolled my eyes pushing him.

"You know you never went off board in my gifts." He said nudging me as I scoffed.

"And look the way you turned out. You'll be fine." I said and he chuckled.

I got Allison a sweatshirt and my sweatshirt. A scarf and few other things that she could put in her shop.

I checked out as we were all gonna meet at the food court. When I saw Allison my heart jumped as she was talking with my mom. She was smiling and my mom was talking her usual talks.

"Hi Mom." I said wrapping an arm around Allison.

"Hi sweetheart. I'm gonna go buy Brandon some Chinese are you gonna come with us?" She asked me and I shook my head no.

"I think we're gonna get subway or something." I said and Allison nodded.

"Well ima get some food in my belly. I'll see you two later." Tommy said going away with his girlfriend.

I kissed the top of Allison's head as I pulled her away and let her pick what we were eating.

We walked passed someone when suddenly I felt foot stick out making me trip.

"Watch your fucking foot dude." I said getting up.

"Fucking dykes." He mumbled as I stopped my tracks.

"Anna no. There is no excuse to putting a show on for everyone." Allison said as I looked at her. I started walking away with her with tight clenched fist.

"Yeah walk away. Fucking fags." He said and that set me off. I walked back grabbing him by his shirt.

"Watch your fucking mouth." I said as I slammed him into the table he was at.

He got food all over his back as he looked at me and smirked.

"What are you bisexual? I mean I would interest in new things like a dominant woman." He said as I had it punching him in the face.

"Anna let's fucking go." Allison said pulling me away before I get another punch on him.

She dragged me into the bathroom. A small bathroom specified as a family bathroom and shut the door.

"Wow... that was a hard punch..." I said jokingly looking at my hand.

"Anna you can't fucking do that. It makes no sense to do that." She said grabbing paper towels.

"What. He called us a slur so I punched him. Makes sense to me." I said.

She dead eyed me giving me her rolled eyes. She wet the towel and put it on top of my knuckles. I hissed trying to take my hand away. For a girl her size she has a strong grip.

The bruise started to come in as she helped up the tiny wounds. Suddenly we heard someone knocking on the door as I opened it.

"Fucking freaks." He said as his nose was bleeding.

Allison grabbed my hand taking me somewhere else. We met up with my family as they gave me side eyes.

"Will you guys drop the attitude? It was one punch." I said pulling the chair for Allison.

"Violence is never an answer Anna." Mom says as I rolled my eyes.

"You stay. I'm gonna go get the sandwiches." Allison said.

A few minutes after when Allison didn't come back. I looked around to see her gone.

"Where is she?" My mom asked as I looked around.

"I... don't know. Ima go find her." I said getting up.

Allison's Pov
"Mine names Ray. Now you know me." He said as he trapped me with his hands and his legs.

"I— get off me please." I said as he laughed before moving his hands down to the bottom of my shirt.

"What the fuck!" I yelled kneeing him as he fell to floor groaning.

"Get off of me!" I yelled pushing him away.

It's the douche he calls out slurs and then tries to fuck someone the next. Suddenly I felt a hand around my neck. She squeezed tight.

I than felt him off of me suddenly. I saw Anna as pushes his face down to her knee at a hard force.

"JESUS FUCK!" He yelled as he darted towards Anna.

Tackling each other as they kept throwing punches after punches. Tommy got Anna off of him and shortly the guy stood up. He looked at me as so did Anna.

"Can I at least have your number. My love." He said as I slapped him hard across the face and walking to Anna.

"Jesus!" I whispered seeing her face.

"Allie you have a handprint." She said walking to me and slightly touching around my neck.

"Anna..." I whispered.

"I need you three and you two out of here. Now." We heard seeing a security.

"Yes ma'am." I whispered as Anna looked back at her family.

She grabbed her stuff and took me with her as we got in the car. It was quiet pause between us as she stayed silent.

"I'm sorry.." she mumbled.

"Whatever it's fine... let's just go home." I said and she nodded starting the car.

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