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Allison's Pov
"WAKE UP ITS FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!!" We heard Brandon as Anna had her head dug into my chest.

She let out a groan as Brandon opened the door. He was excited he didn't bother closing the door.

When I finally dragged Anna down the stairs she made me coffee as Brandon was passing gifts out.

I had two but one was a giant one. The fuck did they get me? And it was from all of them and Anna only got 3 has she complained that the coffee machine wasn't working.

"No coffee." I mumbled before hearing her exclaim that it was finally working.

"Anna get over here so we can open our presents!!" Brandon yelled as she raved over with two mugs.

"Okay okay I'm here." She said as I smiled getting my coffee.

We let Brandon go first to opening his gift. When he opened mine he smiled saying this is what he was looking for.

I'm sure he was just saying that to be kind but he was really happy. When we all went around it was my turn. Anna helped me unwrap the big one as I looked at it.

It was the same tattoo gun brand I have. Though this one is newer with other abilities such as new needles and thicker ones. I was also given a bulletin board to hang.

"Thank you so much you didn't have too." I said as Anna smiled.


Me and Anna were packing for the trip back. We had to carry another bagage due to the gifts and extra things her mom gave to us. Once we got dropped to the airport we handed our tickets in and boarded our life last minute.

I leaned into Anna as she put the divider up. She manage to get us into first class and we have extra leg room.

"I'm going to sleep." I mumbled into her arm as smiled.

She's currently watching frozen two and singing along with it. She may be able to do a lot of things but for once she cannot sing at all.

When we got off the plane we had first forgotten where the car was at because she lost where she placed her #. We looked for a total hour before arriving to it. We immediately got some food before she dropped me off at my house. 

"Thank you for letting me spend Christmas with you."  I said and she looked at me.

"Don't thank me. You know better not to spend Christmas alone. But why don't we plan a bowling date? Just me and you." She says as I looked at her. 

"Of course we can. We can schedule a date over the phone?" I said and she nodded.

"Well I'm gonna go back to my house and take a fat slumber." She said and I laughed before agreeing with her.

"I love you Ally." She said before I froze up.

"I-.." I mumbled.

"Ally you don't have to say it. I don't expect you to say it anyways. Its fine." She says has I nodded.

When we parted I had to take a serious deep breath. She understands me so much, I don't have to try. She protects me and understands me the most. Fuck, I've fallen harder for her so much. Her family is amazing, makes me wish I had what she had, but I've come to terms it won't ever be like that. 

"Alex!" I yelled to hear her coming down the stairs.

"ALLYYYY!" She yelled as I looked at her.

"I'm sorry are you high?" And she giggled and smiling at me.

"Okay Alex I don't have time to deal with your bullshit right now, I'm tired and exhausted." I said as I sat on the couch.

"Ally, I love you so much. I know your not big on saying I love you's but, can I snuggle up with you? I just miss you so much and it felt so alone without you. I don't want to ever do that again." She says as than began to sob in front of me. 

"Uhh yeah, just lemme put my stuff down." I said as she nodded and going into my room. 

While putting my stuff away I made ramen for her to eat. When I brought it too her she cried at me saying thank you. 

"I see your one of those people while there high. You eat your ramen and we can put a movie on and see who can fall asleep fastest." I said knowing she also has the munchies.

"I know I've already said it, and you hate people saying it but, I love you so much Ally, I don't know what I would have done without you." I said and I smiled before she put her bowl away and cuddled into my side as I put on the new wakanda movie.

Btw was one of the best movie ever created ong.

"I love you too Alex." I mumbled.

I could feel her gaze on me has I focused myself on the movie. I didn't want to look her in the eyes, it's not the fact that I don't love anyone, it's just hard for me to say it to anyone, this is probably the first time she's heard me say it.

I've never really said to anyone, and if I did it was on occasions such as my grandma dying in the hospital. Even my parents haven't heard it from me and obviously Alex knows why but she chose not to speak about it with me. 

Alex snuggled close to me and not wanting to let me go. Despite me being the oldest that the one characteristic of me and her, shes much more taller and stronger than me. Smarts too, but she has her moments. Yet I will always tease her with my age before she rams me into a wall. That her form of rugby and she's pretty damn good at it.

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