Everything Stays (Future! Leo X Female! Reader)

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It felt hopeless. Life felt hopeless. But you couldn't show anyone how you felt. Show them just how lost you were.

Raph was gone.

Donnie was gone.

Mikey was away from the New York sanctioned resistance, traveling to help others with his expertise. April was out with him trying to spread what was left of Donnie's tech around the globe. (An attempt for a "suit of armor around the world.")

It was just you and Leo who remained in New York for now. The two of you seemingly against the world. But how do you tell the most hopeful person you know that you were loosing hope?

You tried to smiled. Tried to give Casey the best childhood he could have, after loosing his mother. You'd play silly games with him, tried to make him laugh. Both you and Leo had. You tried so hard if not for you for the kid. (For Leo.)

Your hope was dwindling and while everyday was getting harder and harder to get up, there we're only two people who kept pushing you forward. Urging you to get up. This wasn't the end.

"Captain!" Casey's sudden voice pulled you out of your thoughts as he raced towards you, smile wide. He had hopped over some pushed over dressers to reach you. (It was a just a left over piece from the shattered apartment building, which for now was the current base. You couldn't stay long though, always moving.)

You turned towards him, placing down your plans for the resistance against a table. Even if it was hard you had to fake it. For the kid.

"There's my solider!" You held your arms out enveloping the teen into a hug as he ran towards you excitedly.
"I guess your mission went well huh?"

You grinned leaning back getting a hood look at his face. Though that smile of yours felt so fake. But Casey didn't notice, looking up towards you hope in his young eyes. (The only kind of hope that his master had. Leo's hope.)

"It did! You shoulda seen me! I was doing you and master proud!" He puffed up his chest as you two parted from the hug only to laugh as you ruffled his hair.

"He sure did, he was great! A real Jupiter Jim out there!" Leo laughed at his own little joke walking over to the two of you.

The future was so different than what you and Leo expected when you were teenagers. You both talked about seeing the world. Doing dumb things. Eating as much pizza as you could! Try professional racing! Though that was more what he wanted but it was still the future.

This wasn't what you wanted. Neither of you wanted this. You knew what he was doing when he mentioned Jupiter Jim, or Lou Jitzu, it was his way of remembering. Of acting like nothings changed. (But after splinters passing, well, Lou Jitzu wasn't mentioned much aside from the occasional shout of hot soup.)

"If I hear Jupiter Jim one more time today Leo I swear-" you pinched the bridge of your nose as you joked faking annoyance. Pretending that those remnants of the past were nothing but stupid. Though you didn't think that at all.

The truth was you felt nothing. You couldn't feel anything but despair, but for them you had to smile. You had to keep going. To pretend that it's all fine.

Leo just laughed at you snapping his fingers. He seemed to fake disappointment.

"Man I thought I could get away with it one more time." He laughed a little more. He seemed so genuinely happy in the moment.

But how? How can he laugh when he's lost the most? How can he still smile and act like himself after it all? Though he's matured he's still that same ole Leo you know and love. You envied him. Envied his ability to be happy and hopeful. (Still hopelessly in love with him.)

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