Head Cannon: Texting Him

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❤️ believe it or not raph isn't a huge texter.

❤️ if he's checking up on someone he prefers to call.

❤️ don't tell anyone but texting for him is difficult on his phone. (After all the keyboard is so tiny and his fingers are bigger than the average finger.)

❤️ of course naturally donnie fixed that, raph has the only phone that auto correct actually listens.

❤️ but knowing that you're at school from 7 am to 3 on he can't exactly call so he makes an exception for you.

❤️ he tries his best at least.

❤️ however not being a huge texter doesn't mean he isn't a spammer.

❤️ he is.

❤️big time.

❤️ "hey, (Y/N)!

❤️"how was school?"

❤️"oh right XD you're still there my bad!"

❤️ "have you had lunch yet?"

❤️ "if so what did you have?"

❤️"pizza right?"

❤️"now I want pizza."

❤️"hey why aren't you answering?!"

❤️"are you in trouble?!"

❤️"don't worry I'm on my way!"

❤️"raph wait!"

❤️"I'm fine! I'm fine!"

❤️"I'm still in class silly it's okay! I haven't gotten my lunch period yet XD"

❤️Needless to say he worries a lot too when you can't text. Always assuming the worst which leads to another spam of messages.

❤️But he cares a little too much about you!

❤️You two have been friends for a while now, and raph is just a natural born worry wart.

❤️He'll never admit it though.

❤️One time because you didn't answer your texts from him he did visit you at school.

❤️You still can't believe you fell for his foot ball player disguise.

❤️You had walked right past him talking to April that day and didn't realize it was raph until he stopped you two.

❤️But even if he does spam and is a total worrier you don't think you'd want your conversations to be different.

❤️You like him just the way he is.


💙 one word. Memes.

💙 he has one for every occasion. It doesn't matter what it is he always has the perfect one to share.

💙 you kind of suspect he looks them up just for you though.

💙though on a good day when he's feeling talkative he'll message like any normal person.

💙 "yo! Whatsup?"

💙"eh just homework the usual -_-"

💙"oh I have the perfect meme for that!"

💙you can't say you hate it though. It does get a laugh out of you.

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