Ghostbuster PT 2 (Leo X Female! Reader)

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(A/N): This is a continuation of a request! If you've clicked part 2 before reading part 1 go back and read it!

Enjoy lovelies!

February 14th, Valentine's.

Leo had been determined to help you out of your situation. Christmas has come and gone in a blink of an eye. You're not sure how many months it's been now. Time felt like an illusion and simply nonexistent, especially the time you spent with Leo.

You had met the rest of his brothers, finding out who the other two were that had been with him that night he found you. Of course Mikey calmed down after getting to know you and April was disappointed you weren't technically a real ghost.

You've been subjected to countless experiments by donnie, though it was a bit tricky as he couldn't touch you.

"Fascinating." He had said when the two of you first met.
"It's like ghost bear if he was a ghost all the time. This will be my finest challenge yet."

Of course he hadn't gotten very far. But as time pushed forward and the months changed, you steadily began to realize you deeply enjoyed leo's company.

He's visited you everyday since finding you. Getting to know you more, determined to help you change back to what you consider normal. You wanted to touch him so badly. At first it was just wanting to hug him. He had tried once and fell right through you to the floor. (He was embarrassed at the time but brushed it off.)

Then you wanted to at least hold his hand. It wasn't enough to be phased through his hand when ever he rested it beside you. It was the closest the two of you could have any sort of contact.

But now? Now you want to kiss him. Maybe it's because you have a crush on him. You don't know when it came about but you knew you felt some sort of way for the red eared slider. You really felt like you were a Victorian woman from the past. (Though soul-ly for the facts that you were pinning from a distance. Longing stares and being unable to touch him.)

You sighed wistfully as you waited by the window in your bedroom waiting for Leo like always. He wasn't very punctual. He'd show up anytime of the day, he'd always have an excuse but at least he still visited. Today he was brining donnie with him and he was always punctual so you had faith they'd be here after lunch.

You just wished you could touch leo at least someway. Kiss him for all his effort. Even if that was your silly little crush talking.

You glanced back at your freshly decorated room, smiling at the effort everyone had put in to making this abandoned town home into a real house. (Naturally being with out care for a few months led to some plant life invading the inside, but it felt more and more like home everyday.)

You were a little disappointed that leo was bringing donnie with him today however. On Valentine's Day some selfish part of you wanted to spend the whole day alone with Leo. Even if you knew he didn't think anything of it.

"Come on Donnie you're too slow!" Your head perked up at the sound of Leo's voice coming from the street.

Quickly you peeked out the window again, no longer paying attention to your room, looking down seeing donnie farther ahead of Donnie who was playing with that wristband of his. (You're not sure what to call it but it was very advanced, you knew that at least.)

"Do not rush me! Today is experimental day and I want to make sure I have my things in order. You do want her to go back to her human form don't you?" Donnie never looked up from his wrist as he walked and talked.

Leo rolled his eyes tapping his ōdachi against his shoulder impatiently walking more ahead.

"Yeah, but I also want to see her, can't you pick up the pace?" Leo groaned standing now just outside of the house.

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