Head Cannon: Hanging out

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(A/N): I'm going to make head cannons gender neutral from here on out to be more inclusive with these! The head cannons will follow in a story like order, but if you have any suggestions for some I'm always happy to write them.


❤️ After getting to know the turtles you had to say you and raph hit it off pretty quickly.

❤️ he was so sweet and you were still grateful he had saved you from that snake mutant. (Even if you had passed out a few times that night just in pure shock.)

❤️ so when raph asked for just the two of you to hang out you leapt at the opportunity.

❤️You wanted to know what the eldest brother got up to in his spare time.

❤️Plus more time to spend with your favorite snapping turtle!

❤️Of course it consisted of video games and just games in general.

❤️But you didn't realize he spent most of his time working out.

❤️It's...kinda boring.

❤️You're not telling him that though.

❤️"Check it! I can lift all these at once now! BOOM!" Raph had almost every weight in the room stacked and piled to be lifted by one hand.

❤️He was pretty proud of himself.

❤️Grin so wide his snuggle tooth was almost poking his lip.

❤️"Wow!" You clapped for him, but the moment you had his arm shook and he fell to the ground.

❤️You rushed to his side making sure he was okay.




❤️You tried shaking him awake, eventually it worked out.

❤️"Did I impress you?" He groaned the moment he came to.

❤️You couldn't help but laugh helping him up.

❤️"You sure did, way to go big guy." You patted his plastron laughing a little more.

❤️Raph grinned again.

❤️"Aw yeah! Real hero stuff!"

❤️It may not have been exactly what you expected a day with Raph to be like. But all in all still fun.

❤️"Wanna watch me lift a bus?!"

❤️"I-uh don't think you can do that one dude..."


💙 It was a no brainer that you'd accept an invitation from your instant best friend made through the power of pizza.

💙 though you're not sure how he got your number much less how he managed to sneak in to your school.

💙let's be honest he scared the shit out of you when he had rushed towards you in the hall.

💙but an invitation to meet his brothers and spend some time with a rad dude was definitely a yes.

💙 "okay, okay you're going to love this." Leo had dragged you around the lair.

💙You didn't even realize just how massive the sewers in New York were but what more did you expect?

💙He dramatically bowed, pulling a blue curtain back to reveal his room.

💙"Ta da! Welcome to Mi Casa, that's French for home."

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