My Hero (Mikey X Female! Reader)

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What was it like being so care free? Gosh you wouldn't know. Anxiety was something you had to live with hindering your from a carefree attitude.

But at least you had your boyfriend. Mikey was always there to ease you with your anxiety, and while it was a lot to take care of he still tried. He was the only person to instantly soothe you, and you were so thankful for that. (And lucky for having such an amazing boyfriend.)

And right now that said boyfriend was painting you. You had come into the lair already distressed, and Mikey was quick to rise to the challenge of making you feel better. Hence why he was painting you.

"Hold still!" Mikey stuck his tongue out bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Though you'll admit, when you finally agreed to be Mikey's model you didn't expect it to be as serious as it was. You almost felt like a model for the real Michelangelo, but the only thing your Michelangelo and history's was that they just shared a name and a passion for the arts.

"How much longer do you think this is going to take?" You looked straight ahead now at a wall in the lair shifting on your chair just slightly.

While you were always so thrilled to spend more time with your favorite box turtle, you just weren't so happy about sitting here for so long. Your butt was starting to hurt. (Or maybe it just fell asleep.)

"I'm almost done! I promise! You're gonna love it!" Mikey sounded so happy as he painted away and you simply sat still letting him continue working.

Oh the things you do when you really like someone.

You sighed a bit starting to feel stiff in your back. You'll have to tap out soon you're not sure how much longer you can deal with this. (But this whole thing had helped take your mind off of your worries.)

"Done!" Mikey's voice pulled you out of your sore funk. Making you look at him quickly and excitedly. Was it really done?

You jumped up to go look almost falling over not used to using your legs after a little while. Mikey rushed over to help you the two of you laughing.

"Hey Mikey, come on we got a mission." Unfortunately the laughter had to come to an end. Raph had peeked his head into mikey's room, a look on his face that read this was urgent.

"Oh!" Mikey smiled apologetically at you. He was as disappointed as you were that your time together was coming to an end.
"I'll be back as soon as I can! Text me what you think of the painting, I really wanna know what you think!"

Mikey planted a quick kiss against your cheek, then ran out of the room leaving you completely and utterly alone.

He's so care free. It's like nothing bothered him. How could it when he was just such a happy guy? You frowned deeply in envy. You shouldn't feel like that, especially when he's the best boyfriend. It's just your awful overwhelmed mind. With a sigh you walked solum towards the painting peeking at it.

Oh wow.

You couldn't help but smile. All your bad overwhelming thoughts vanished upon seeing Mikey's work. It wasn't just a painting of you, he had painted the two of you together. It was obvious now why he needed you to pose for it. He didn't have any pictures for the angle you had been in.

He was so sweet. Mikey was the nicest sweetest boy you knew and it was no mystery as to why you fell so hard for him so fast.

You sighed looking over the intricate details.
He really was the best. Though now you didn't have much to do with him out of the lair you figured you should go on home. It is pretty late anyway. (You'll just text him why you left. You never know how long a mission lasts.)

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