Opposites Attract (Leo X Shy Female! Reader)

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This was requested by @FlapJack-NickNack

"If it's not any trouble and you have the time could I request a shy/nervous female reader X leo please?"

Hope you enjoy!

He was too loud at times. Flamboyant and extreme. But he was your best friend. Leo wasn't like the others, though that much was obvious. He always had to be the best. Be the loudest. The coolest. The smartest. (Though he wasn't as smart as he assumed.)

But they say opposites attract.

You were quiet. Reclusive. People were too much. They made you nervous. You spent your time to yourself, comforted by the loneliness that accompanied it at the time. People held no interest in you, and you held no interest in them. Lost in your own little world. Reclusive, a word you found always associated with you.

So when did you find yourself blushing over leo? Not because he embarrassed you, because he was loud or obnoxious. But because he was making you flustered. Being too close, being too intimate. It was difficult to pinpoint.

There were tons of examples as to why you felt this way. It could be because he always made an effort to include you. Or because despite his outgoing personality always made sure you were by his side. But somehow you felt it was more than that. More than it appeared.

You watched from far away, looking up from your handheld gaming device to catch just a quick glimpse of him. April was talking to you, used to your lack of responses and just enjoying having someone to listen to her theories about a secret government. You stopped listening to her though, in favor of watching leo as he messed around with his brothers.

"HA! Who wants some!" He laughed cheat slamming into Mikey after winning a round of some made up game they all created.

"That was definitely not fair! I demand a rematch!" Donnie pointed an accusatory finger towards the blue clad turtle. Who smiled smugly at its sharp point.

"Awww Donnie's just mad cause he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body." Leo taunted. Placing his hands on his hips and wriggling them a bit as he leaned forward. That smug look never leaving his face.

You hid your smile behind your game, lifting it up to hide it as you gazed at him.

"I mean! Pigeons! It's genuis!" April exclaimed beside you, though when you didn't acknowledge her this time with a simple nod or hum. She leaned forward trying to catch your eye. It didn't work.

She waved her hand in front of your face. At first you didn't flinch, still staring.

"Earth to (Y/N)! HELLO!" She raised her voice startling you now. You jolted at the shout by your ear, quickly looking her way as she leaned back, curious at your reaction.

"Im sorry." You admitted quietly. You shifted in your seated spot. Anxious now.

"Are you okay?" April raised her brow at you. Curious.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." You shook your head. Cursing yourself for the stutter.

"Uh huh." April narrowed her eyes at you, clearly not believing you. She looked towards the boys as you hid yourself away back behind your game.
"It's Leo."

Her sudden conclusion made you jolt again, head whipping towards her in an instant. Eyes wide and face red.

"H-how?!" You exclaimed before lowering your voice. You clutched your game partially.
"Am I that obvious?"

Your voice was barely above a whisper. Afraid the boys would hear you. April shook her head.

"Well not at first," she admitted a sly smile upon her face, "but I've caught you staring at him a few times before now. It's the best conclusion I've got!"

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