Jealous (Donnie X Gender Neutral! Reader)

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Emotion was difficult.

Not that it was necessarily a bad thing it's just a thing donnie could never understand to it's fullest. Sure he felt things. The normal, annoyance, joy, anger, amusement. But this? This was new.

It didn't matter how much he tried to pretend it wasn't there. Hyper fixate on his work, not speaking to anyone for days, the feelings were still there.

What is it about you? Well he knew his type was people who looked pretty but had a sharp tongue. (Though that was merely for a joke.)

Maybe it's because you actually listen to him that he feels so strangely. The fact that even if you don't understand what he's babbling on about you still listen and ask questions. You want to learn.

Or maybe it's the fact that you were easily fascinated with the same things he liked that it was an instant hit? What ever it was he needed to figure it out and soon.

Donnie tried his best to ignore the feelings. Pretend they weren't there and that he just felt sick. After all it was the same symptoms. Warm body temperature, yet clammy hands, racing heart and butterflies in the stomach that made him want to throw up.

"Leo stop!" Your laughter echoed down the hallway and Donnie had peeked his head out of his lab not expecting to hear it.

When had you come in? Why didn't you greet him? Donnie frowned at all the thoughts swirling around in his mind.

Surely he wasn't jealous. There was no way he was. But still that pang in his chest what did that mean?

"Nothing can stop me! I am the man!" Leo's voice suddenly sounded even more obnoxious than before to donnie.

What were you two doing?

Donnie slowly emerged from his lab, creeping down the hallway carefully not to make a noise. He didn't want to disturb the two of you so he could see exactly what you both were up to.

Slipping past the living room, donnie peeked his head into the kitchen finding that to be the source of your laughter. (Your sweet laughter.)

You had your head turned, pushing Leo back as he threatened you with a can of whip cream seeming as if he as going to spray it in your hair. It was obvious the two of you were messing around.

But to Donnie it felt like betrayal. Why did it hurt so much? Seeing you have fun with his brother more than you've ever had fun with him? Donnie chewed the inside of his cheek gazing intensely at the scene. You looked so happy.

"Hey! Not in my hair!" You cried out in desperation. Wanting to get away even if you were clearly having fun.

Donnie wanted to intervene. He wanted to storm in and demand your attention. He was the funny one! He could make you laugh way easier than Leo could. But still Donnie was frozen in his spot just watching with narrowed eyes.

"Hey Donnie-" one of his other brothers had come up behind him, startling the soft shell enough for him to shout.

"IM NOT JEALOUS!" He didn't care if you heard too caught up in clearly not being jealous as he stormed away from who ever had tried to talk to him.

He was jealous.

Donnie retreated to his lab sitting down at the desk with his hands folded together elbows propped against the table just staring down. His stomach twisted in unusual ways, causing him to bare his teeth.

He can't be jealous. But his blood was boiling, and his clenched hands told him other wise. Why did he feel so jealous? What was it about you that brought out a side of him he never know existed.

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