Ghostbuster (Leo X Female Ghost Mutant! Reader)

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This is a request by @Desolateddreamur

"May I request a Leo X Mutant Ghost! Female reader?

The reader's take is that they were mutated at a Halloween party when dressed up as a ghost and the house was sold and abandoned. You wander and haunt the house.

Leo at first didn't believe in ghosts and found it even harder to after The Gumbus but when he investigates the house and funds you he realizes they can be real.

You tell your story to him and he declares he wants to help you get fixed. You end up falling head over heels for him for his kindness and generosity, but you're upset you can't kiss him to show your love to him.

Surprise, surprise, he gets you fixed and the first thing you do is kiss him and then express your fancy to him"

This got to be too long for me to write in one go, so I'm going to divide it into two parts, just to get everything asked for in there! Hope that isn't a problem!

But anyway I love a good Halloween prompt! Have you guys noticed that it's my favorite holiday yet? XD Now, let's get this show on the road! Leo ain't afraid of no ghost!


Key: (F/N)= Friend's Name

October 31st, Halloween.

You didn't want to be here. This was an awful idea. But alas you had to be for your best friend. The lights flashed above you, the music blared from the speakers, and people danced all around. Laughing and drinking to their hearts content.

This was supposed to be fun! Instead you were cooped up in a corner drink in hand watching the others having fun. It's not that you didn't like parties. It's just this one sucked. (You we're going home alone tonight, that meant absolutely no drinking. It's New York anything can happen!)

You stared down at your cup, looking at the fizzy soda you had settled on within. You kinda wished you weren't backed into a corner but at the same time did you really want to be dancing out there?

"Hey!" Your friend caught your attention. Their costume shimmered in the flashing lights. They looked like a walking disco ball.
"What are you doing here in the corner?"

You sighed brushing your hair from your face keeping the torn ghostly dress from getting messed up as you moved. (You were even super cute! Dressed as a Victorian ghosts! But what was the point?)

"Oh you know, just, floating around." You snickered elbowing your friend. They rolled their eyes.

"That's so not funny." They scoffed.
"Get some real humor like fanging out."

You both laughed at the awful word play. But the laughter didn't last too much longer.

"Though seriously girl, what are you doing alone? This is supposed to be about fun!" Your friend draped their arm over your shoulder pulling you close.

"I know it's just that I don't really know anyone. Plus I mean look at how they're dancing? Where's the rhythm?" You jabbed your thumb out towards the crowd snickering.

"Well you just gotta find the right dance partner," your friend wiggled their eyebrows, "how about the guy in the blue over there?"

You turned to look at a guy dressed as a blue yeti dancing toward the edge of the crowd. You rolled your eyes.

"No way. Too much energy." you laughed a little.

"Okay suit your self I'm gonna go talk to him." Your friend removed their arm from you slithering off to talk to the guy. You laughed a little watching them go.

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