Within My Grasp (Leo X Male! Vigilante! Reader)

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This one was requested by @mgmendez2305

"Can you do a slow burn romance of Leo X Male vigilante reader, where Leo meets him for the first time and his brothers discover his relationship with the reader. Here's this. The reader is a hero who helps this kind of people. The reason why the reader decide to become a hero was because he was inspired by Lou Jitsu, so he trained extensively in hand to hand combat and martial arts to be more like his hero."

Hope you like this one! This is part one of two! Just so i could capture that slow burn feel as much as I could for a one shot!


"Ugh!" Leo grunted, body leaning forward almost against the ground as he looked up sharply. Another mission failed, and another escape attempt from this nameless guy.

He was quick, faster than any of them expected. Kicks swift, movements sharp. It was like he was straight out of a Lou Jitzu movie. And not a good kind of character.

The masked man, turned to look back at leo after taking a leap through the air, for a moment in the city lights reflected off his eyes. A familiar teasing gleam to them, and then he was gone.

Leo had gotten his second wind racing to the edge of the roof before he tossed his Ōdachi down against the ground frustrated. He's gone.

"Don't worry Leo! We're here!-" Mikey gasped as he finally caught up to Leo's solo chase. Though he fell partially to the ground realizing there was nothing there.

Mikey smiled sheepishly as Leo turned to look at him. His frustrated glare melted away and in turn he just huffed picking up his ōdachi off the ground resting it on his shoulder to stare after where that mysterious guy had disappeared to.

"Let me guess," donnie had made it now raph not too far behind, "you lost him. Again."

Donnie emphasized the word again with an eye roll.

"I didn't loose him again!" The frustration returned as Leo turned around to stare his purple brother down. He slumped his shoulders.
"He's just slippery that's all."

"Kinda sounds like you lost him to me." Raph grunted as he propelled himself up to the roof. He seemed winded. They all were. Leo was a being off spite though, whether he said it out loud or not the only reason he was faster than his brothers was because he had to be the one to catch this guy. This wasn't their first tango with the mysterious man after all.

"What? Too shy to talk?" Leo had said one of the encounters, narrowly missing a swift punch. Which did seem some what hesitant.

"No, but you talk too much." He had gotten a response. Leo dodged at the time. Ōdachi now blocking a bo staff thrown his way. (He still didn't know how the guy had gotten ahold of that.)
"It's cute."

"Wha?-" Leo had been too stunned that time to speak and it knocked him off his feet leaving the mystery man to escape. The hero of the night not him and his brothers.

Another time, Leo thought the group had this one in the bag. It was easy just stop the Mutant thieves from stealing some jewelry in a store. Raph had led the team to the target. Donnie had some what of a plan. And Leo and Mikey were just itching for a fight. However...

"What?!" The goons had been defeated already, playful bowls of ramen over their heads like something straight out of Lou Jitzu and a hand written note left at the scene.

"Just for you Leonardo. Have fun keeping up with me." The note had read with no signature.

That's what prompted tonight. Donnie had suspected that this mysterious man would strike again and take done another mutant related issue like he had done before. He had a pattern and tonight was supposed to be the night it ended.

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